Chapter 26

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Sage POV

The noises just won't stop.

'Theia, your mom's a badass lawyer...'

'They asked about Thierry's broken nose...'

'They asked if I saw Kree and Thierry fighting...'

'How angry Kree looked on a scale of one to ten is what I was asked...'

'Do I think one of us was capable of murder...'

I'm sat on the bench outside the police station with my head in my hands, listening to everyone talk about what they were asked by the detectives. But the buzz in my head won't stop ringing because I can't get over my interrogation. Thank God Theia's mom was in there with me, because I don't know what I would have done.

*Flashback - two hours earlier*

'So Miss Carter, we couldn't get ahold of your mom and dad so Mrs. Park here will be your appropriate adult, is that okay?' Detective Dawson sits down.

They can't get ahold of them because I didn't give them the correct number. 'Thats fine.' I nod.

'So what can you tell me about your relationship with Thierry Harrison?' Dawson questions.

'We didn't have a relationship.' I reply.

'Oh? I was told you two were romantically involved.' He says

'Briefly.' I answer

'So you weren't friends?' Dawson asks.

'Not towards the end, no.' I reply.

'Okay. I heard he was harassing you.' Dawson says.

'Yeah... well I wouldn't say harassed. He just wanted to talk to me but I wasn't interested.'

'He said and I quote "she'll get tired of you and come back to me." I think he wanted to do more than just talk, don't you?'

'How do you know...' I stutter out.

'Let me ask you this: after your argument with Thierry, did you go see Thierry again that night?'

'What? No-'

'And did you argue some more?'

'I never saw him again after that night-'

'I think you argued and then he tried to convince you to get back with him but you weren't interested-'

'No, no, I'm telling you-''

'Your skin follicles were found under his nail bed'

The colour drains from my face. 'What?' I look over at Mrs. Park. 'That's not possible...'

'Are you charging her with something?' Because if not, we're leaving now. Come on Sage.' Mrs. Park cuts in.

I look up at Mrs. Park standing and look to where Detective Dawson is sitting. 'No, she's free to go. For now.'

I walk out thinking, what the hell just happened?

*End of flashback*

Angel's the last to walk out and he seems to ignore Kerrys but I don't think anything of it. I get up and walk towards Kree. 'Can we go?' He looks at me confused. 'Now please!'

'Yeah okay. Angel, are you okay to catch a ride with Kerrys?' Kree says to Angel.

'But I need to talk you about something.' Angel shuffles, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

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