Chapter 31

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Sage POV

'Alright I'm heading over to Theia's to study. I'm going to be late, so I'll have dinner when I get back.' I say walking towards the front door and picking up my house keys.

'Okay honey see you tonight. Oh and please actually study instead of gossiping with your friends.' Dad says as he clicks through the TV channels.

'Yeah okay bye.' I say rolling my eyes and closing the door behind me. I walk over to Theia's which takes me no time at all, seeing as we live across from each other. As I'm about to knock on the door it swings open. 'What the fuck!' I jump back in shock. 'You scared the shit out of me Theia'.

'Oh it's just you'. Theia says with disappointment on her face and in her voice.

'Yeah well I'm not happy to see you either'. I muse, lightly pushing past her and heading up the stairs to her room. I hear her footsteps following behind me.

'Sorry babe I thought you were the delivery guy. You know how I get with my food.' She says.

'Yeah I sure do.' I say walking into her room.

'Hey.' The twins say at the same time.

'Hi my beauties.' I walk over to them and give them both a hug. 'So what did use order anyway?' They all just look at each other and smile. 'What?' I say, sitting down on the floor, taking out my books.

'Okay so we couldn't decide so we...' Kayla starts

'No you didn't'. I say, bringing my head up to look at them. They laugh at my knowing.

'Yeah we did, we ordered the Theia special.' Kerrys says whilst doing jazz hands.

'How in the hell are we going to eat pizza, Chinese and sushi?' I say putting my hands on my head and shaking it in disbelief.

'We're going to need the energy aren't we? We have four tests that we have to study for.' Theia tries to justify this unnecessary amount of food she's ordered.

'Hmmm yeah that is true.' I say leaning my back against the bed thinking that she's actually right and plus I am quite hungry. Twenty minutes later, the food had arrived and we got down to actually studying.

'So my mum told me that the cops told her the reason they took our DNA is because they found some DNA under Bee's fingernails.' Theia says putting down her calculus book.

'Oh my God, seriously? Well at least we know that she fought back.' Kayla replies.

'I know! But let's hope that we actually found out who this psychopath is.' I say grabbing another slice of pizza.


'How do you feel about art?' I ask the girls.

'Oh hang on, I've dropped my pen down the side of the bed.' Kayla stretches.

'For me, I just need to figure out a muse for my art project and then I'll feel a lot better-' I carryon before Kayla interrupts.

'What's this?' Kayla lifts a box up.

Kerrys looks up. 'It's a pregnancy test.'

'Yes I know that, thank you very much for that sister.' Kayla rolls her eyes.

'Well then why would you ask such a stupid question, you can see it's a pregnancy test...' The twins continue squabble. Meanwhile, Theia looks lost in thought.

'Theia?' I call out to her.

'I might be pregnant.' That stops them in their tracks. 'I haven't taken the test yet, it's been sat under my bed for the past week. I know I come across as strong and confident but I'm fucking scared.' She gasps the last bit out.

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