Chapter 14

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'Well, what do you think?' Angel looks at me, seeking approval.

'Bro, can you just give us a minute?' I grunt.

'So... is that a yes?' He pesters.

'Alright, fuck, fine. Now get out.' I relent.

'SWEET!' He shouts. 'Cmon on Kerrys, there's something in my room I need to show you,' He grabs Kerrys' arm, pulling her out before she can object.

'Ugh, I've already seen it, but sure,' I hear Kerrys say and Sage giggles at her best friend's response.

I close the door behind them and turn to face Sage. She stops giggling and sits back on the bed. 'You didn't answer my question.' I start.

She rubs on her temples and exhales before responding. 'He hurt me in the worst possible way. So no, I don't love him. To be honest, I don't think I ever did.'

Satisfied with her answer, I go to sit next to her. 'I'm shouldn't have went off the way I did. I was just...'

'An moody jealous asshole?' She quipped.

'Yeah I was a moody jealous asshole.' I sarcastically repeat. We both chuckle. 'But I'm your moody jealous asshole.' What the fuck? Who says that type of soft shit? I'm so whipped.

'So, that's you saying sorry then?' She muses.

'That's not what I said.' I try and keep a straight face.

'Well it kinda sounds like an apology.' She shrugs, trying to contain her smile.

'Oh, is that right?' I smirk, moving my head towards her.

'Yeah,' she whispers.

I move closer to her lips and feign to kiss her but then drag her back down to lay on the bed with me, causing her to shriek.

She breaks our laughter by asking, 'Hang on, why didn't you tell me you speak Spanish?'

'No preguntaste,' I throw her words back in her face. [You didn't ask.]


Lake House


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'HOLY! MOTHERFUCKIN'! SHIT. I forgot how big this it,' Theia yells getting out of her car and pulling her sunglasses up.

'That's what she said,' Angel winks at Kerrys, making her blush.

'Pur-lease' Kayla groans, grabbing her bags from the car and heading in. Everyone follows her in, leaving Sage and I stood outside.

'I'll get that,' I grab her bag, swinging it over my shoulder. She smiles at me, as we head in.

'Right guys,' Kerrys starts. 'There are 6 bedrooms. Angel and I will share, obviously.' She wriggles her eyebrows as everyone groans. 'Kayla, you know where your room is and Theia you're on the second floor.' She pauses dramatically before approach Sage and I, looking mischievous. 'Sage and Kree,' She taps her chin before continuing. 'You're in the attic.'

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