Chapter 12

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A/N: A little surprise for reaching 200 readers...


A week has passed since that last text with Kree and since then, we haven't talked that much, just exchanging pleasantries. It feels weird not talking to him but it shouldn't because I haven't actually known him that long. However, my focus has been on preparing for the 1920s dance and tonight is the night. The girls and I are so excited. We've just finished getting our manis and pedis and now we're on our way to the twins house to get ready.

'Use two should have gotten a bikini wax like us,' Kerrys says, whilst Theia nods. 'I've got it just the way Angel likes,' she winks.

'Ewww,' Kayla and I say at the same time.

'And whose is yours for Theia?' Kayla asks.

'I'm not sure. Who knows,' she shrugs.

'Well, aside from the fact that it's painful, we're not planning on getting any tonight,' I say.

'I wouldn't be so sure,' Kerrys turns to look forward. Does she know something I don't?

'What do you mean?' I nervously ask.

Kerrys zips her mouth and feigns to throw away the key. I roll my eyes and stare back out of the window.

At that point, Kayla pulls into her driveway and we all get out and head inside to get ready.


The twins' dad offered to drive us in his Rolls Royce

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The twins' dad offered to drive us in his Rolls Royce.

'Hell yeah,' Theia says, as we all climb in, ready to arrive in style.

'I hope you ladies have a great night. No hay baile sexy esta noche. No quiero bebés. No estoy preparado para ser abuelo.'

[No sexy dancing tonight. I don't want any babies. I'm not ready to be a grandfather.]

'What did he say?' Theia whispers to Kerrys.

'He said we can stay out for as long as we want. Si Papi.' Kerrys replies.

Kayla and I laugh, knowing that is nowhere near close to anything he said. We arrive at the school and each say bye to Mr. De Leon before hopping out of the car.

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