Chapter 33

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A/N: Apologies for the slight delay. See as we're coming towards the end, we wanted to make sure the chapter is perfect for use before posting. We hope you enjoy it...

Hold your breathe!🤦🏿‍♀️

*Smut alert*

Kree POV

'You've worn me out.' She says to me, whilst placing her head on my chest.

'Not my fault you're such a little vixen.' I reply.

'Me?' She gasps. 'I can't keep up with you.' I chuckle at her response.

We lay there in a comfortable silence, her tracing the tattoo on my chest. After a beat she breaks the silence.

'I know I said I didn't hear anything the other day but I did.' I don't say anything, leaving her to carry on. 'It sounded heavy. Is every okay?'

'It will be once Angel stops fucking around.' She looks up at me in shock. 'Not in that way.' She exhales, leaning her head back down on my chest. 'I don't know how to help him or how he's going to be when I move for College. I probably going to have to take him with me.'

'You need to live your life for you Kree.' She resumes tracing my tattoo with her fingers.

'I know.' I huff, running my fingers through my hair. 'But he's my little brother. I can't just abandon him.'

'You won't.' She says confidently. 'You've just got to let him make his own mistakes, so he can learn from them.'

'I guess so.' I say.

'I know so.' She places a light kiss on my chest. 'Don't worry, you'll get through this. The both of you just need to figure something out together.' She looks up at me. I kiss her head and she snuggles even closer to me.

'I was wondering... who's X?' She asks.

I sigh before replying. 'Babe... I just don't-' I lift her away from me, swinging my legs over the bed, running my fingers through my hair. 'I don't want to talk about him.'

'Why?' I look over my shoulder and see she's wrapped the comforter around her body. 'You can tell me anything, I won't say-'

'Sage! Just leave it alone!' She turns her head in a different direction, clearly angry at me snapping at her. I close my eyes slowly at seeing her upset.

She makes a move to get out of bed and slips on her dress. 'Where are you going?' I look up and exhale.

'Well clearly you're in a mood and want to be alone so I'm going to leave you too it.' She hastily picks up her underwear and shoves them in her bag.

'Babe...' I start but she cuts me off.

'Don't talk to me like that.' She snaps.

'I'm sorry.' I stand up. She runs her eyes down me before carrying on her outburst.

'You know, you can be a real ass sometimes.' She retorts.

'I know.' I take a step towards her.

'I'm not gonna let you treat me this way.' She crosses her arms

'I know.' 

She momentarily flickers down at me before carrying on. 'I don't like the way you keep things from me.'

'I know.' I keep stalking towards her until her back is pushed against the door.

'You should put some clothes on.' She exhales.

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