Chapter 16

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'I just can't believe Bee's been missing for all this time and we hadn't even noticed. I feel so bad,' Kerrys pouts as we walk down the hall.

I'm about to respond to Kerrys when I hear a shrill of a voice behind me.

'Oh my God!  I can't believe they showed her on TV. All because she's missing. Ugh. Well, maybe I should go missing.' Bailey applies powder onto her cheeks.

'What?! No Bailey you can't. What would we do without you?' Brandy replies to her master.

'You're right. You girls need me.' I roll her eyes at their stupidity. 'Plus, I've just started seeing this guy. He's older and hot as fuck. I met him at the Halloween party.' Give me a break.

The bell rings and we make our way to English Lit.


'Would the juniors and seniors please make their way to the auditorium?'

That was the urgent message that played through the intercom. The girls and I take our seats in the auditorium and wait for Principal Knox to start. Halfway through his speech, the door opens and Kree saunters in like without a care in the world.

'Nice of you to join us Mr. Hasapi.' Principal Knox says boredly.

'Sorry Greg,' Kree smirks, the whole room sniggers, whilst he takes a seat next to Angel.

Principal Knox rolls his eyes, dishragarding Kree's response and goes back to his agenda. Most of the meeting goes over my head because I can't take my eyes off of Kree.

'And finally, as I'm sure you have all heard the news that Beatrice Lewandowska,'

'Who's that?' Finn shouts out.

'Bee, Mr Bateman.,' Principal Knox sighs, clearly having had enough of today already.

'Oh, oh yeah, carry on sir.' Finn replies back

I roll my eyes at Finn's stupidity.

'Anyway, her mother, Mrs. Lewandowska, is coming into tomorrow to talk to those who know her best. Hopefully that will offer her some comfort whilst the police search for her daughter.' Principal Knox states. He dismisses us and walks out.

'She's not dead yet,' Theia mumbles under her breath, whilst we all get up and make our way out.

'I'll catch you guys later,' I say as I separate from the girls and walk towards Geography. On my way there, I feel an arm hook around my waist and pull me round a corner. Smiling, I instantly know who it is and when my back hits the wall, I don't hesitate in grabbing his face and pulling him into a slow, yet heavy kiss.

'Mmmm,' I moan in his mouth as he positions his hands on my waist. I pull back, quickly realising where we are and smile.

'Well what a way to say hello,' He smirks, keeping his hands on my waist, holding me aflush.

'I've been thinking about doing that all day.' I surprise myself by saying.

'Oh, is that so?' Kree raises his eyebrow, taunting me.

'Anyway... was there something you wanted?' I changed the subject.

'Well you're the one who just mauled me-'

'No I didn't,' I gasp, lightly push him away.

'You're coming to mine tonight,' He phrases as a statement.

'Oh am I?' I muse and he nods. 'Well, what are we going to do?'

'I can think of a few ideas,' He leans down, kissing me again. God I love his lips on mine, they always taste so good.

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