Chapter 7

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Good job it's Friday and our last period is only Art, so that we can talk and catch up on things that are going on and I am ready for the weekend. I'm tempted to tell the girls about my "non-date" with Kree when Kayla starts talking about her latest conquest. 'So.. I was with that guy, what's his name again? Captain of the basketball team? Anyway, his name is irrelevant because he did not live up to the hype'.

'Oh really, do tell', Theia asks.

'Let's just say he's not well-endowed' Kayla moans.

'Uh, what a waste of time that was. I feel for you girl', Theia sympathises. 'How about you Kerrys, with Angel?'

'Umm, I might have...' Kerrys starts but Theia butts in.

'OH MY GOD! You had sex with Angel. Already? He's only been here a week you little nymphomanic. I approve though!' Theia gracefully adds at the end. Of course she does.

'NO!' Kerrys adamantly refutes, whilst blushing. 'We just did some stuff, I did stuff to him and boy, did he do some stuff to me.'

'I'm gonna regret asking but what?' Kayla sighs.

'Boy, what that tongue can do', Kerrys replies smirking.

'Ew, but I'm happy for you', Kayla begrudgingly smiles.

'Yeah, me too', I add to make it seem like I was 100% following the conversation. Truth of the matter is I was thinking about tonight. I decide then I'm not going to tell them about it because its not a big deal.

The bell rings and we haven't got any work done, as usual. We pack up our things and walk toward the door when I notice Theia is lingering behind us. 'Hey, you coming?'

'I'll catch you up, I'm just going to talk to...' she points in the direction of mystery guy in the corner of the room.

'Ok, I'll see you outside', I reply and walk out the classroom door and the school, towards my car. As I am saying bye to Kerrys and Kayla I look over and catch a glimpse of Kree winking at me as he gets in his black convertible, making me subtly smile. After what seems like decades, Theia finally walks out of the school doors with mystery guy again.

'Hey Sage, I'm gonna get off and go with-'

'Luca', he interjects.

'Yeah, Luca', she looks at me silently telling me she'll fill me in later. She probably won't, she's so forgettable.

'Are you sure?' I ask.

'Yeah, I'll speak to you tomorrow', she blows an air kiss and walks off with Luca.


It's 6:30pm and I've still not figured out what I'm gonna wear. Im kind of wishing I told one of the girls about this "non-date" so that they could help me out with my hair and make up. Should I go casual, dress up, smart? My phone pings and I look down.


Are you still coming over?


who's this?


What other guy are you hanging out with tonight?

Kree. I smile at the message, save his number and reply.


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