Chapter 15

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A/N: Smut ahead! 


Lake house bedroom

As Kree carries me towards the bed, he places one hand on my ass, giving it a squeeze, while keeping the other hand under my thigh

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As Kree carries me towards the bed, he places one hand on my ass, giving it a squeeze, while keeping the other hand under my thigh. He then positions me down on the bed gently as if he were afraid I might break. I drag him down with me, wanting to feel trapped under his muscular body. He brings his lips down to my neck, finding the sensitive spot.

'Mhmm...' I moan out, whilst he continues his assault on my neck. It feels so good that I close my eyes, taking in this moment. But all of a sudden he stops. I open my eyes to see him looking at me, and removes his jacket, whilst bitting his lip.

'Sage, are you sure you want to do this... with me?' He whispers the last bit, looking vulnerable?

I nod.

'No, I need to hear you say it.' He squeezes my thigh.

I lift my head up and kiss him fiercely. Pulling back, I whisper 'I want you.'

His pupils dilate, as his eyes go dark and goes to back to kissing on my neck. I put my hands on his chest to try and unbutton his shirt but he stops me by gripping onto my wrists with one hand.

'What? I said I want this.' I say confused as to why he's stopped me.

'I know, but tonight I'm taking care of you.'


He rips my dress open. I gasp. 'Sorry, but this was in the way.'

I giggle as he starts to kiss down my body. The touch of his lips as they slowly make their way down to my chest is amazing. He pauses when he reaches my bra and I arch my back to take my bra off and throw it across the room. Laying back down, he trails his hands down my chest and his thumb lightly brushes over my right nipple.

'Mmmmm...' I moan.

He continues to pinch my nipple with one hand and then moves his mouth over my left nipple and begins to lick and suck on it, causing me to squirm at the sensations. Leaving me to the point of arousal, he trails kisses down my stomach, landing on the waistline. He looks up at me, seemingly asking for permission before he pulls my lace thong down my legs, making me moan as he leaves butterfly kisses on my legs and thighs when he moves his head back up.

He stares up at me with a glint in his eye, before he flattens his tongue giving me a single lick.

'Oh my God! I groan out. He rips his shirt and pulls it off, then goes back down to continue licking on my core, making me writher under his touch. Whilst making out with my core, he reaches one hand up to play with my nipple. It's so much pleasure that I don't know what to do with myself, I've never felt this good before. It makes me wonder what sex with Kree would be like. Probably mind-blowing, because that is the only way to describe how I feel right now.

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