Chapter 24

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Sage POV

Christmas Day was uneventful - for me anyway. I spent the entire day calling and texting Kree and he wouldn't reply. Hence my foul mood all day. I didn't even enjoy our annual Christmas pizza and pyjama day because I was so worried about him. I've never seen him react like that in the time I've known him. Granted, his reaction was a little extreme, and Thierry didn't deserve to be hurt, but hopefully he'll get the message and stay away.

It's now New Years Eve and I still haven't heard from Kree. Clearly Thierry has taken the hint as well because he hasn't been around this past week. Tonight is Theia's annual New Years Eve party and my mood is just as foul as it was at the start of the week. I just want Kree to come back, or just let me know he's okay.


I didn't mean to flinch, I'm sorry

Please call me back

Or just text?

I'm worried about you


But pls do so I know that you're safe

'Can you stop checking your phone every five minutes?' Theia groans. 'He'll message you back when he's good and ready.'

'Has Angel heard from him?' I ignore Theia, fluffing out the cushions.

'No babe. He says it's out of character for him to just disappear like that.' Kerrys says concerningly.

'El no te merece.' Kayla says, putting together the chocolate fountain. [He doesn't deserve you.]

'KAYLA!' Kerrys glares at her twin.

'What?' She shrugs. 'It's true. She's sat here moping, concerned for him after he basically assaulted Thierry,' I glare at her. 'Granted the little bitch deserved it, but still. It was too much.'

'Can't we talk about something else please?' I say, wanting to defend Kree but not wanting to argue with my friends.

'Si.' Kerrys looks questioningly. 'What are we wearing tonight?'


I'm back home after helping Theia decorate her house. Well I say helped, I was not in the right frame of mind to be doing anything. God! I could kill Kree for making me this worried. I'm supposed to his "girl" and he leaves me high and dry with no warning. I could understand if he needed space for a few days but it's been a whole week of no communication. I just don't understand what's going through his mind. You know what? I'm going get ready and enjoy my night. If he wants to play games then let him. There's a knock at my bedroom door and Shay and Luna walk in.

Shay and Luna Outfits

'I was gonna ask if we should wait for you but you're not even dressed yet

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'I was gonna ask if we should wait for you but you're not even dressed yet.' Shay says.

'Yeah, go without me. I'll be there soon.' I reply.

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