Chapter 30

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Sage POV

'...Sage.' Somebody is shaking me. 'Sage.'

'Mmm, five more minutes.' I turn on my side, away from the unidentified voice.

'Honey, wake up.' I snap my eyes open at my mum's panicked plea.

'What? What is it?' I ask her, rubbing my eyes.

'The police called. They want you to come down to the station again. They said they've found something.' She says.

That wakes me right up. 'Did they say what they found?' I ask.

She shakes her head. 'They just said you need to go to the station with your appropriate adult.'

'When?' I yawn.

'Now.' She affirms. 'I'll be downstairs when you're ready to go.' She walks out of the room, leaving me to get ready.

The police are just messing with me right? Because Mrs. Park said they don't think I have anything to do with it, so why are they dragging me to the station. Maybe it's their weird attempt at investigating, I don't know. But what I do know is that they're wasting my time.


Having got ready, mom and I ate breakfast in silence before she drove me to the station. Upon arriving, I see that the girls are all parking up with their moms. 'Hey. What are use all doing here?'

'We've been summoned.' Theia replies.

'Something about finding something?' Kayla shrugs, before linking arms with me.

We all walk into the station and see Kree and Angel sat on the chairs. I look over to Kerrys to see if she's okay but she doesn't take her eyes off of Angel. Angel, feeling eyes on him, looks up and notices her. A small flash regret seems to appear in his eyes before his eyes go dark again and he looks elsewhere.

Kerrys puts her head down and walks over to the other side of the reception. Mrs. De Leon cuts her eye at Angel, walking past him and mumbling 'Que to la pique un pollo,' making us all snort. Kree snaps up at her insult, almost as if to say "So nobody told her we understand Spanish.... Okay then."

It's only now that I notice Luca and his mom is here too.

'Luca?' Theia says. 'Now why is he here people? Didn't use rule him out last time. Common sense people, this boy wouldn't hurt a fly.' Theia says to no one in particular. 'Well, maybe me in the bedroom...' she mumbles.

'Your mom is right there.' Kayla whisper shouts.

'She can't here me, she's in full lawyer mode.' Theia whispers back.

I walk up to Kree, giving him a PG-13 hi, considering we're in the presence of my mom. 'Hey.'

'Hey baby.' He laces our fingers together and kisses my hand.

'Do you know why we're here?' I ask him, as he's his own appropriate adult, the police might have told him more than what they're telling the rest of us.

'Nope.' He tuts. 'I'm just in the dark as you are.'

His lawyer walks up to him, cutting off our conversation and I look over at Theia's mom whispering with the detectives '...they're my clients.' She points at us all.

'All of them?' The officer at the front desk asks her, wide eyed.

'Uh, yeah.' She replies, before walking over to our group. 'So they're saying you need to all produce DNA samples so that you can be eliminated from the investigation.'

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