Chapter 13

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A few weeks have passed since the dance and things are going well between Kree and I. We're really enjoying each other's company. Kerrys and Angel seem to be going from strength to strength as well. Theia has started calling them Kangel because they never seem to be apart from each other and Kayla is still sceptical of Angel but that is to be expected because Kerrys is her twin.

The school bell rings and the girls and I decide to go to JOYS straight after school. Walking towards our cars, Kerrys shrieks and runs towards Angel. 'Hey baby,' Angel says. 'What are you up to now?'

'Well, we're off to JOYS.. do you wanna come? You as well Kree.' Kerrys invites them. Kayla rolls her eyes but I don't mind. The way Kree has been staring at me whilst leaning against his car smirking, gives me butterflies and I want to be near him.

'We'll meet use there,' Kree speaks for the first time. He gets into his car and Angel pulls Kerrys into the back seat, leaving us to make our own way there.


We arrive at JOYS and find the boys and Kerrys have already gotten a table. 'Sage, over here. I've saved you a seat... RIGHT next to Kree,' she wriggles her eyes, making my face heat up. As I walk towards the table, someone pushes past me, almost knocking me over. I see that it is Bailey when she slides into the booth next to Kree and her liquòrs hover around the table.

'Mind if we join?' She squeaks.

'Yes bitch!' Kayla stares her down.

'No it's fine,' Angel says. Kerrys gives him a 'wtf' look. 'Babe, there's space for everyone.'

'Thanks hon,' she blows a kiss at Angel and Kerrys rolls her eyes.

I sit down opposite Bailey and see her stroking Kree's arm. 'Oooh your arms are big and strong, do you work out?'

'Yeah I do,' Kree grunts, lightly pushing Bailey away.

Feeling slightly nauseous at Bitchly, I turn my attention to her minions. 'So Isabella and Liza, how does it feel to always be up Bailey's ass?' I call them by their given names, knowing how much it pisses Bailey off. She has this insane fantasy that if she names her girl clique after alcohol, then she will get a reality TV show. Fucking stupid.

'Ermm, it's Brandy and Belize, you know, like the alcohol,' they look in the direction of Bailey, who gives them a smile of approval.

'They're not up my ass. They're free to do whatever they like, aren't use girls?' They nod to Bailey's question. 'They just choose to follow greatness.'

'Triple cheese burger and fries, extra pickles?' A waitress butts in.

'Yep, that's me,' Theia nonchalantly replies. When did she find the time to order food? We all stare at Theia and she shrugs and mumbles 'What?' Before biting into her burger. Shaking my head, I'm brought back to Bailey's attention.

'But, you know who really loved my ass?' She's not going to say what I think she's going to say. 'Thierry.' Yep she said it. 'He would come and spend all night just grabbing on my ass. He couldn't get enough of me.' I'm ready to jump a bitch.

'Who's Thierry?' Kree asks, looking at me.

'Well Thierry is, or was-' Bailey starts.

'Shut up bitch!' I butt in.

'No, no go on, who was he?' Angel eggs Bailey on and Kerrys pinches Angel's arm. 'Oww, babe what was that for?'

'Shut the fuck up!' Kerrys and Kayla both say.

'Well?' Kree sternly asks, never once taking his eyes off of me. I turn to look away from his intense gaze and see Theia has finished all of her food and is slurping on a chocolate milkshake. Again, WHEN?!

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