Chapter 27

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It's been a few days since Sage and I have spoken. I need her. I've seen her around school but she's been avoiding me, which I don't blame her because I was an ass. Angel's still acting weird, cutting classes, turning up to school hungover and I still don't think he's taking his pills, even after the talk we had. I just don't know how to get through to him. But first things first, I need to tackle one problem at a time. Sage is stood next to the lockers with her friends and she looks adorable as she munchies on her carrot sticks. I find myself just staring and smiling at her and wondering how the fuck I've managed to mess up. I decide to message her.


Can we talk?

I see her dig into her pocket, grab her phone and read the message. Instead of replying, she rolls her eyes and puts the phone in her bag.

'Fuck!' I swear, making the guy next to me jump out of the way. When I look up, I see it's that fucker Finn "fishboy" Bateman. His presence still makes me angry, I wish I'd punched him back when I had the chance. The bell rings and she heads off to class, leaving me stood thinking about how I'm going to make things up to her.


School's done and I'm stood next to my car waiting for Sage to come out. She walks out the school doors talking to some guy. Who the fuck is this? I can't see him from this angle. When he turns and walks away from her, I realise it's fishboy again. Will he ever learn, the fucking asshat! I see she's walking to the car on her own and I hesitantly approach her. 'Sage?'

Her head snaps up in my direction. Her face falls and she shakes her head, getting into her car and driving off. What was I expecting, for her to just run into my arms? Shrugging off the disappointment, I wait for Angel to drag himself into my car and head home.


Getting home I contemplate texting her again. Clearly she wants me to give her space but I need to explain. Or partly explain the other day.


Can we meet?

I know you don't want to talk to me but I feel like I need to explain


I see the three bubbles pop up for what seems like hours before she finally replies.


JOYS - 10 mins

I drop my phone on the bed, surprised that she actually agreed to meet me.

I rush downstairs. 'Going out. Try not to fuck anything up while I'm out.' I say to Angel in passing. I swear all he does is sit on the couch, drinking beer. I'll deal with him later. Getting in my car, I speed off to JOYS, getting there in record time, to see Sage sat in a booth. I walk up to her.

'Hey.' She says.

'Hi gorgeous.' I slide in opposite her. 'How've you been?'

'I've had better days to be honest.' She replies. 'So what is it you wanted to talk about?'


'Hi, I'm Elizabeth, your server for today. What can I get you?' This Elizabeth tries to flutter her eyelashes at me but I completely ignore her, keeping my focus on Sage.

'An Oreo milkshake to share.' I reply.

'Actually can I have my own? And some fries?' Sage asks.

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