Chapter 25

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It makes sense. Why Thierry hasn't been hounding me this past week. I thought it was strange, but dead? As much as I despised him, he was my first boyfriend and doesn't deserve to be dead. But how can the police think Kree is capable of murder? MURDER?!!! It's been hours and I've still not heard anything. I've tried to get ahold of Angel but he's not answering my calls. On top of that, I'm sure my mom and dad keep are wondering where I am. I'm pacing up and down his room when the bedroom door opens.


'Oh, thank God.' I run into his arms.

'You've been here all this time?' He asks

I look at him, flabbergasted he'd ask me that. 'Of course. What did they say?'

He throws his keys down onto his table and sits on his bed. 'Well I was released without charge. They just wanted to ask me questions about where I was on the night Thierry died. My lawyer-'

'Lawyer?' I cut in. Why would he need a lawyer when he's done nothing wrong.

'Yeah.' He glances up at me. 'My lawyer soon put a stop to that because they had nothing to hold me for.' He finishes.

'When-when did he die?' I ask.

'How the fuck am I supposed to know?' He snaps his head up at me.

'No, I mean, did they not say when-when they took you in?' I ask timidly, not wanting to upset him any further.

'If they did, I can't remember. I was more concerned about getting out of there than anything they had to say.' He replies, with his head in his hands.

'I should call Thierry's mom.' I gather my things and put them in my bag.

'Why?' He raises his eyebrow.

'I always liked her, she was good to me, even after what her son did.' He stares at me skeptically, as I continue. 'She's going to be devastated.'

'Why do you seem so upset about him?' Kree stands up glaring at me.

'Well he was my boyfriend and-and before that, we were friends for years, since we were kids.' I say, sniffling as I rub my nose. 'I did care about him at some point, so I wouldn't want him dead.'

'AND YOU THINK I DID?' He yells.

'What?' I blink out. 'Where did you make that distinction?' I'm so confused by his outburst. We've just made up from his disappearing act for the past week and had the most amazing night last night, and now here he is, with his whiplash ways.

'Babe.' I step closer to him, putting my hands on his chest. 'There is no doubt in my mind that you had nothing to do with this. No doubt. But I am grieving the loss of someone who was above all, my friend and I need you to accept that.'

'I know Sage, fuck! Don't you think I know that? There's a part of me that knows you've lost someone, but the other part of me, the fucked up part just can't get over the jealously I feel whenever I hear you talking about someone else in that way.' He exhales. 'I'm sorry.' He laces his fingers through his hair.

I go on my tip-toes and kiss his chin, tucking my head under his and just hugging him. I feel his tense shoulders relax under my fingers and we just stand there embracing each other.


'And where have you been all night missy?' Shay shouts as soon as I walk through the door. I was hoping to sneak past and run upstairs before anyone noticed.

'And a Happy New Year to you too sister. Could you be any louder?' I whisper, pointing upstairs.

'Ohhh, yeah they're not here. They had to go into work.' She munches on a bowl of cereal.

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