Chapter 29

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A/N: Longest chapter so far. I think you'll like this one, it's our personal favourite.

Sage POV

We haven't been able to really enjoy the start of spring break because Kerrys spent all of last night crying over Angel's outburst. I didn't even get the chance to see Kree last night because he was preoccupied with Angel. Seriously, what the fuck is his problem? I think there is something genuinely wrong with him.

Today is supposed to be the Twincation Beach BBQ, courtesy of Kayla and Kerrys. They do this every year. It use to be their parent's event but now that we've gotten older, we've banished adults and made it our own. However, Kerrys is so heartbroken, she doesn't want to go.

'...But it's your BBQ.' I remind Kerrys. 'You have to be there.'

'You can just take my place hosting.' She sniffles, blowing her noise into her tissue.

'But I'm not a twin. It's called Twincation for a reason. That's what makes it unique.' I reply.

'I just can't face Angel again. He was so rude and vulgar. Granted, I like him being vulgar and dirty in bed...' She gives a small reminiscent smile.

'Ugh, too much information.' Kayla groans.

'But that was out of bed. He had no respect for me last night. None!' Kerrys ends.

SLAP! Theia bitch slaps Kerrys. 'Get a grip. This is not the Kerrys we know, acting this way over a guy. I know you love him but he doesn't deserve any of your tears.'

'Oh.' She rubs her cheek. 'That really hurt.' She whispers.

'It was time for some tough love.' Theia says.

'I think I prefer eating Theia, not tough Theia.' Kerrys mumbles. 'But you're right, as always. I'll get it together. Fake it 'til you make it right?'

'Attagirl.' We all smile.


We're getting all the deckchairs and the fire pit ready when Kerrys comes up to me.

'Are you sure you're not mad that I didn't invite Kree? It's just if I'd invited Kree, then Angel would have turned up and I"m not ready to see him-'

'Kerrys?' She looks at me. 'Breathe.' She exhales at my request. 'It's fine, I get it. I can see Kree another time.' She smiles at my answer. 'Besides, I can live without him you know.' The girls snort. 'What? I can!'

'Then why have you not stopped checking your phone every five minutes?' Theia points to the phone in my hand.

'Uh, um, well, I was just checking the time?' I stutter.

'Phone.' Kayla puts her hand out. Before I can protest, she snatches it off me and locks it, making me huff. 'Today is girls day. No boys allowed. Well they're coming to the party but you know what I mean.'

'Does that rule apply to Theia too?' I point at her. 'You should tell her uninvite Luca then.'

'Oh he's not coming, I didn't invite him.' Theia slurps on her cocktail.

'Why not?' Kerrys asks.

'I don't know.' Theia shrugs.

'You do. It's because you feel it's getting too serious and you want to take a step back. You're such a self-saboteur.' I shake my head.

'Uh, not everyone wants to be all sweetness and light in a relationship like you and Kree thank you very much. I mean look at Kerrys and Angel: car crash.' Theia says, making us all gasps and Kerrys storm off.

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