Chapter 8

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A/N: As promised...


'Mhmm..' What am I doing? Why am I grinding like an animal in heat on a boy I barely know? Come on Sage, stop and get off him. That's what I should do. My mind is saying one thing, whereas my hips are doing something else. This boy knows what he's doing, like really knows what he's doing, as he continues to squeeze my ass, as I succumb to his touch. The butterflies pop up in my stomach. 'Mhmm...' Boy, does he make me feel weak. Okay time to stop now...maybe three more minutes.

He moves his lips to my neck, leaving soft kisses up and down my neck and his hands starts to move up my exposed lower back. 'We should stop...mhmm' I attempt to breathe out but the words get stuck in my throat and turn into a moan instead. My right hand drops to his lower back, as I aim to pull him even closer than he already is.

'Why?' He whispers, whilst he continues to kiss on my neck.

'Because... mhmm... Angel... mhmm could...mhmm come back... mhmm at any moment' I breathe out the last bit fast but still make no attempt to push him off.

'So...' he grabs the back of my neck again to pull me in for another kiss. At that moment, I draw back my hands and place them on his chest to slow the momentum. He stops and stares at me with a softening look. 'You okay?' He whispers. 'Was that too much?'

'Yeah. I mean no, it wasn't. It was great.' He lifts his eyebrows with a cocky smirk on his face. 'I mean, it was good, I just think we should stop before Angel walks in.' I repeat and move to get off him. I sit back on the bench and he stands to adjust himself and damn, does he have a lot to adjust.

'Yeah, sure.' He coughs out

'It's getting late, I should go', I say.

'Yeah, I'll walk out', he replies.

As we walk through the house to get to the front door, I stupidly say, 'You should give me a tour the next time I'm here.'

'So, they'll be a next time?' He says with a smile on his face.

'Oh no, I meant, if you want.. if you want there to be', I shrug it off to play it cool.

He walks past me to open the door and I swear I heard him whisper there will be but maybe that's just my mind playing tricks.

'I'll message you.' Kree randomly blurts out.

'Okay', I say surprised.

'Bye Sage.' That's the first time he's said my name and boy does it sound good.

'Bye.' He goes to shut the door and I turn away and silently scream. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Sage Taahira Carter, you've only just met him, you whore. 'Wait, I can't be a whore, I'm not wrecking a home. Stupid stupid stup-'

'Whore? Stupid?' I freeze at the voice behind me. 'Are you okay Sage? Do you need me to walk you home?' Kree asks.

'No. Fine. Bye.' I say high pitched and run off.


It's Sunday night, I'm lying in bed and I have yet to hear from Kree. I'm trying to not be obsessive about it but is he going to message me at some point?

'Sage!' My sister shouts, breaking me out of my thoughts.

'WHAT?' I shout back.

'Woah, what crawled up your ass?' Shay says as she walks into my room.

'Shut up!' I retort.

'Is it because Kree hasn't messaged you?' she sings out. I glare at her and she holds her hands up in defeat. 'See, this is why I date girls - there's no mixed messaging.' She says as she hops on my bed and lays down next to me.

'It's just, I have no right to be feeling this way, I'm not his girlfriend. I'm not even sure it was a date...' I sigh out.

'Well after you told me about all the stuff he did, not to mention that kiss, to me, that seems like it was a date', Shay says. 'Don't even think about texting him', she points when she sees me looking at my phone. 'Just wear something jaw-dropping worthy tomorrow and he'll be a fool to ignore you then.'

'Thanks sis.' I breathe out, feeling a bit better. 'What did you want again?'

'Never mind', she rolls off the bed, falls on the floor, attempts to get up but just ends up crawling away. She's so weird.


'Oh, Sage I've been meaning to ask, how's Thierry?' A high-bitched voice squeaks behind me, knowing immediately who it is. I turn around and ready myself for an attack.

'I wouldn't know, I lost all contact with him when he got stuck up your vagina. But the last I heard, he had crabs. You should really get that checked out' I hear snickers in the corridor, as I point down to Bailey's vortex of a vagina with disgust on my face. I slam my locker door and walk off with my girls.

'Damn girl, you really put her in her place. Little bitch.' I hear Kayla say behind me. I see Kree at the corner my eye staring at me with an emotionless look on his face, as the girls and I head to first period.


The bell rings, signalling the end of history and I walk out and head towards calculus. I see Kree in front of me heading to the same class and I hurry my steps to reach him. 'Hey', I breathe out.

'Hey', he says, not sparing me a glance. Okay.

'Um, so did you do the homework? It was really hard-' He cuts me off.

'No.' He says bluntly.

Okayyyyy. 'Are we good?' I ask, as I put my arm out to stop him.

'Yep.' He replies as he enters into the classroom, leaving me stood outside the door thinking what the fuck is going on.


I spend the whole of calculus mulling over Kree's abrasiveness. Come to think of it, he's been ignoring me all day. Every time I've smiled or waved at him, he's just looked the other way. He didn't even comment on my jaw-dropping outfit. Shay was right - he's a fool. I'm stuck thinking of how I've clearly upset him when the end of school bell rings. I didn't a catch a word of what Mr. Kwon said the entire hour.

'Sage, are you alright? Where are you going?' One of the girls shouts behind me.

'I'll be right back.' At this point I'm pissed and storm off to the culprit of my anger.

He goes to open his car door but I slam it shut.


See you on Sunday!

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