Chapter 2

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'Sorry to disappoint' his rich deep voice replied. 'I'm Kree, I just moved in next door with my brother Angel. I thought I would come and introduce myself, seeing as you're the only neighbour we've seen looking our age.'

'Hi, I'm Sage, nice to meet you' I said whilst giving him an awkward wave.

'Do you often zone out like that?' He asked.

'No, not all the time only when I see something I like.' Only when I heard him laugh did a realise what came out of my mouth. At that moment, I heard the the rest of girls behind me run to the door to see who it was. They all just stood there staring at him on till Theia spoke. 'So where are you from?'

'I'm from LA. My brother and I have just moved to Jewel Bay', Kree replied.

'We can tell' Kerrys and Kayla both said giggling.

'Where are your parents?' I asked Kree whilst trying make this interaction less awkward.

'They hmm died when I was 16, we lived with our grandfather until he died last year, I'm nearly 18 now so I'm old enough to look after me and my brother', Kree replied.

'Oh, sorry to hear that' I said.

'So where's this brother of yours, and is he as nice as you?' Thank God for Kerrys breaking the tension with that question.

Kree chuckles, 'Angel', he shouts over the hedge.

We all turn to our left and out comes this Angel. 'Tall and delicious, yes please', Kerrys whispers.

Angel is good looking but somehow I'm drawn to Kree. He seems different, mysterious even, like there are layers to unpick.

'What, I'm busy' Angel shouts over to Kree.

Kree shakes his head and looks back in our direction. 'So I just came over to introduce us so I will get going now. Nice to meet you girls, hopefully see you around', he seems to say specifically to me as we maintain eye contact.

Kayla, noticing this, interjects 'Well, we are having a girls night in, but I'm sure we can squeeze in two handsome boys, Sage wouldn't mind, would you Sage?'

'Yeah, and if use have a sister who looks like you then bring her over', Theia adds winking.

I look at Kayla, plotting her murder 'Um, well... I don't think they'll want to watch To All the Boys with, I'm sure they have people to do, things to see'. Everyone seems to laugh. 'I'm meant people to see, not do, but you could do both, see and do the people, if you wanted to.' What the hell is wrong with me?

'Um no sister I'm afraid, just us too' Theia huffs at Kree's response. 'And It's fine, Sage, the people I need to see, I can do them later', Kree says suggestively.

'Great! Well the pizzas are coming soon, so you can pay for them' Kayla says while grabbing ahold of Kree and pulling him inside.

'Sorry' I rush out, 'she's not one for boundaries'.

'It's fine, when a beautiful girl wants to touch me, who am I to resist?' Somehow, a pang of jealously went through my heart. 'Let me just call over Angel and we can...' Kree starts.

The door slams shut. 'No need bro, I'm here', Angel walks through the corridor into the living room with a dirty smile on his face, clearly checking us all out.

Theia seems uninterested, Kerrys and Kayla are blatantly ogling him and me... I just can't keep my eyes off Kree.


'Mhmm, these pizzas are good, thanks for paying Kree' Kerrys mumbles out.

'Well your sister didn't really give me much choice', Kree chuckles out, whilst eyeing Kayla.

That's my chance gone. Kayla is stunning so I can't really blame him for wanting my best friend. I'm happy for her, it's been a while for her.

'I'm just going to put this rubbish in the bin' Kerrys announces.

'I'll help you', Angel offers.

Kerrys and Angel make their way into the kitchen and Theia starts lighting up the fire. We have this wooden den, which my dad converted into a movie theatre for when the girls and I want to watch movies, so we were not taking up space in their living room. Their words.

Kree stands from where he is sat and makes his way over to sit besides Kayla

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Kree stands from where he is sat and makes his way over to sit besides Kayla. 'So, how long have you all lived around here?' Seemingly asking Kayla but looking at me.

'All our lives, Sage moved to Jewel Bay in the first grade and we met Theia on the first day of high school. She had just moved from Canada', Kayla replied.

Kayla and Kree were exchanging questions and answers back and forth and all the while Kree was just staring at me. What is his game? 'I'm just going to get some popcorn', I say to nobody in particular. When I walk into the small kitchen in the den, I seen Kerrys sat on the counter, with Angel between her legs, kissing. What is it with me and walking in people in that position today? 'Woah, I didn't see anything', I hold my hands up. Kerrys giggles and pushes Angel away. He fixes himself and walks past me winking. Hmm. 'So, is there anything you want to tell me?', I ask Kerrys

'Hmm, no', we start laughing. 'We just got talking and he seems nice'.

'Hmm chatting....? You were both doing something with that mouth and it wasn't talking' I mused.

'Yeah yeah, enough about me, whats going on with you and sex on legs out there?' Kerrys asked.

Before I could reply, Theia walked in huffing 'Nothing, I still haven't converted her'. She walked over to get out my hidden alcohol stash.

'Ha Ha' Kerrys straightly replied. 'I meant between Sage and Kree'.

'Me?' I was confused. 'He's been talking to Kayla all night, he's not interested in me'.

'It's true', Kayla says walking in. Where did she come from? 'He's been asking me questions about you all evening. He's not interested in me, he just knows out of the four of us, I'm most likely to spill, which I did', Kayla shrugged.

'Spill about what?' I glared at Kayla.

'Oh you know, Thierry, Bailey, the fact that your single, a virgin, and a prude because of Thierry and Bailey'

I cut her off 'you didn't! Kayla', I whispered angrily.

'Relax, I'm kidding. He did ask if you were single and when your last relationship was. I told him he'd have to ask you', Kayla said like it wasn't a big deal.

'I'm not a prude or a virgin. I mean I am that but thats not the point'. Trying to take the attention off me, I grab the popcorn from the shelf and drop the bombshell 'Oh by the way, I walked in on Kerrys and Angel making out', hearing squeals of the girls asking Kerrys when, when I walk out

A/N: How is everybody doing? Hope you've enjoyed chapter 2. Please comment and let us know what you think. See you on Thursday.

T&V xx

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