Chapter 17

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School's been hectic these past few weeks. It's been five weeks since Bee went missing and the school has been crawling with police officers talking to every one of the student body. Her mom has been coming into school every day, trying to piece together what could have happened to make her daughter just disappear. I feel for her, I really do.

Things are going so good between Kree and I, the chemistry we have is undeniable and the way he makes me feel... ugh God, we're in school Sage-

'-what do you think about that?' Kerrys fades in.

'Sorry, what?' I shake my head, focusing back into the chat.

'Bitchhhh, you were thinking about Kree, weren't you? Kerrys wriggles her eyebrows.

'Maybeeee....' I hide my face in her shoulder.

'Ahhh, I'm so happy for you. I'm always telling Angel to make sure Kree treats you right otherwise I won't give him any.' She says shrugging her shoulders.

'Errr okay, thanks I guess. So what was it you were talking about before?' I question Kerrys.

'Ugh, I was thinking of getting my nipples pierced.' My eyes bulge out of my head.

'Erm, I don't think you can - legally.' I say.

'Yes I can, I checked. You have to be 17 to get nipple piercings. Angel said that he liked it on his last girlfriend.' She shrugs.

'Ker, is this something that you want to do?' I ask.

'I don't mind. I just wanna make my man happy,' she says like it's no big deal.

'What does Kayla think about this?' I ask, concerned.

'Um, well, she doesn't know yet. But even so, its my body.' She huffs out.

'Yeah, but she's your twin. Don't you think you should-' The phone ringing cuts off my speech. Talk of the devil. Kayla is calling.

'Hey sis,' Kerrys greets Kayla.

'WHAT'S THIS ABOUT YOU GETTING A NIPPLE PIERCING?" Kayla screams down the phone.

'How did you know-' Kerrys gasps.

'I'm your fucking twin dipshit, did you really think I wouldn't find out?' Kayla's anger hasn't subdued.

'How the hell did you know we were talking about you?' I ask, dumbfounded.

'Twintuition!' Both girls say at the same time.

'Ok, bye sis loveyousomuch, kiss kiss.' Kerrys rushes out to cut the call.

'We're not done talking about this-' The phone cuts Kayla's rant and Kerrys exhales a breathe.

'That went well, don't you think?' She sips on her latte on a chip.




'I can't believe you've left me here all alone.' Sage moans down the phone.

I hear multiple coughs and 'hey, what about me,' and smile.

'Are you missing me?' I tease.

'Maybe...' I can just imagine the shy smile forming on her face right now.

'Ugh, just fuck already.' I hear Kerrys in the back ground.

'Ssshhh... so why aren't you in school? Are you sick?' She sounds concerned.

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