Chapter 9

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He screams at me, his eyes going dark. I've never seen someone look this angry before, especially at me.

'MY PROBLEM? What the fuck is yours, ignoring me all day? What's that all about?' At this point, everyone in the parking lot must have turned their attention to us but I couldn't give two fucks. I'm blinded with rage.

'Woah, woah, what's this? All this fuss over a date? Babe, you need to relax', Angel butts in, leaning on the car, laughing.

'I'm not your babe', I yell at Angel at the same time Kree says 'It wasn't a date.'

My face falls at his response, clearly dismissing what happened between us and this argument. His face softens briefly when he catches my reaction but he quickly composes his face and venomously replies 'I don't see why you're overreacting', Kree spits out. 'It's not like we're together.'

'I didn't say we were, I just wanted to know why you've been ignoring me', I exasperatedly ask.

'I don't answer to you', Kree glares at me, before getting in his car with Angel and speeding off.

I turn to walk to my car and I stop when I see my sister and the girls stood at my car.

'Erm what the hell was that about?' Theia asked confused.

'I'll tell use all later', I unlock my car and we all get in, driving home.


'So you and Kree?' Theia gasps. 'Why didn't you tell us about this date?'

We're all sat in Theia's bedroom and I'm about to answer Theia's question when her mum bursts in. 'Anyone want some Kimchi Mandu?' [Korean Dumplings]

'No thank you, Mrs. Park', Kerrys sweetly replies. She's such a suck up.

'No mom, we're fine', Theia rolls her eyes and her mom walks out.

'So let me get this straight - you went over to Kree's house, on a date, and got some D? Good for you girl,' Kerrys shrieks. 'You're a bitch for not telling us about this sooner though', she mutters.

'Firstly, no. And like he said, it wasn't a date,' I reply with an huff. 'I'm just confused. He invites me over, goes to all that effort, just to ignore me and say it wasn't a date? Am I tripping or is that not confusing?'

'Yeah, it totally is confusing. Clearly, he's the one that's tripping. Little bitch.' Kayla mutters.

'Kayla! You can't just go around calling every guy a bitch', Kerrys disapprovingly mutters.

'I can if they're being one, especially if they're playing my best friend. I'm sick of this shit' Kayla stands up, clearly agitated. 'Fuck this and fuck him.'

'Yes, please fuck him and let us know how he is,' Kerrys winks.

These two never fail to make me laugh. 'How are you two related?'

'We honestly couldn't say,' the twins say at the same time.

'Anyway', Theia cuts in, 'What we all mean is that don't go giving your heart to someone who is just going to mess you about.'

'Yeah, and definitely don't kiss him. That'll make things worse,' Kayla chimes in.

I look around sheepishly. 'OMG you DID kiss him!' Kerrys shrieks, clearly the only one excited at this revelation. 'Oooh how was is?'

Even though I'm mad, I can't seem to control the smile that forms on my face.

'Oooh, bitch I love it,' Kerrys pushes me slightly. Clearly she's the only one that approves of this, whatever this is.

Kayla butts in. 'Can we get with the programme please? The point is clearly there is something wrong with Kree and you don't want to be mixed in with that. The way he went off at you es no bueno.' [is not good].

'I know, I know,' I muse. 'I was genuinely concerned about him, but now he can go fuck himself.'

'Or you.' Kerrys whispers and we turn and glare at her. 'Kidding, kidding. Team Sage forevs.' We all burst out laughing.


I'm sat at my desk finishing my portfolio when I hear my phone ping.


Can we talk?




Cmon Sage, I wanna explain.


I think you've said all you needed to say.

Clearly I'm still salty.


Meet me outside. I'm stood on your patio.

What, what?


You can't just summon me whenever you feel like it.


Please Sage.

I huff.



I slam my phone down on my desk and make my way outside. I switch the outdoor light on and stomp my way towards him. 'Listen if you think you can just show up at my house and I'll fall at your feet like those other girls then you're clearly mistaken'.

'What other girls?' Kree scoffs.

Clearly this isn't going to be a civilised conversation. 'I don't know, just girls in general. I know your type.' I sneer back.

'And what's that?' Kree asks, clearly amused.

'You're a player. When you don't get what you want, you dismiss someone.' I spit out.

'What I want?' Kree fires back.

'Yeah, sex. That's the only reason you're being standoffish with me.' I callously reply.

'You think I ignored you because you stopped me?' He stalks closer towards me. The way he's staring at me makes me lose all thought process. 'If I wanted too, I would have had you laid under me in seconds.' He whispers in my ear.


'You know, if you wanted too.' He says as he backs away with a smirk on his face.

'Well-well I didn't want too', I stutter.

'That wasn't what your body was saying when you straddled me.' Kree replied.

'Yeah, well anyway that's not the point. I was concerned about you and you just ignored me all day. And now, you've just proved my point about only wanting me for sex. So, I think we should just stay away from each other.'

I step back and turn to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. Our noses are lightly touching and he moves to grip my neck with both hands when he whispers against my lips 'Is that what you want? For me... to stay away from you?'

I whimper at the close contact but manage to breathe out 'Yeah' before walking away.

Loving all of the support. See you on Thursday!

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