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After three long hours of insomnia and a hot cup of tea, (Y/n) has finally able to sleep. She hugged her pillow as she sweetly dreamed. 


I was in a beautiful garden, already back in Lakeland. My parents were there by my side, smiling proudly at me. All of the silvers were there, clapping and cheering. 

"Long live Queen (Y/n)! Now, let's all-"

- Where were you before the wedding? Let's see what's on your mind, sweetie. Don't be afraid. - A loud voice spoke as a strong headache hit me, interrupting my good dream. 

- Huh? - I responded. The funny thing was that it felt like I was still sleeping, only stuck in a horrible nightmare. - What is going on? 

Everything was dark, impossible to see. The only thing I could feel was the pain in my skull and some really distant voices. - Did she drink all of the tea? - They were all just a blur. 

All of my previous memories started to get rummaged in my head - the headache and heartbeats increasing. My parents, Jisanda telling me they were dead, Iris in her bedroom, the garden, Mare... everything was coming back to me at once. 

- It'll end soon. - The same voice echoed. - Now, show me all of the conversations you had with prisioner Mare. 

- Stop! - I yelled. Nothing changed. I needed to get out of there. Even though I didn't know where I was, the pain felt so real. 

- Stop! - I tried one more time and freed myself from that weird interrogatory. I rapidly got up from my bed, as tears rolled down my face.

I looked at me and verified myself, checking if I was still in one piece. Then, I scanned the room and got scared with what I saw, a shocking expression getting to my face. - Maven?! 

- She was not supposed to wake up. - The same voice that appeared in my dream said. 

"Who were all these people?"  Was the only thing I could think of before passing out again. 




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Silly Fear - Maven Calore x Reader 🔥Where stories live. Discover now