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Yes, I am learning Japanese to start an Oikawa fanfic, guyyys (I LOVE Haikyuu)! YOROSHIKU ONEGAI SHIMATSU :)


"Os livros, esses faladores discretos, que podemos interromper à vontade e com quais nos é permitido conversar dias inteiros, sem termos aliás a obrigação de dar uma palavra [...] o professor sempre se impacienta, quando tem de explicar qualquer coisa mais de uma vez; o livro não, o livro exige apenas a boa vontade de quem estuda". - O Coruja de Aluísio Azevedo.*


After the most dreadful 15 minutes of my life, the doors opened, but the only and one Mare Barrow got out - not Maven. She looked mad and gave me a quick glance before getting dragged by the guards.

Did she hate me? What the hell did I do? I didn't want to have the lightning girl against me - well... considering I am a silver, that would be nearly impossible.

Maven got out of the dining room - but I had already lost the track of time - I wonder what he was doing there.

- Hey. - I said smiling. - What happened? You look like you saw a ghost!

Maven didn't respond, he was weirdly staring at me. What got into him, huh? I shaked my hands in front of his face, trying to wake him up. - Maven!

- Oh, sorry. Hi, (Y/n). - He said, regaining his composture.

- I am fine, thanks for the flowers. - I confessed. - It made my day.

At that, Maven genuinely smiled. - I'm happy that you liked it. Have you already found good enough books?

I laughed a little, it's true that I could be a little picky when it came to books. - Unfortunately not, Maven. Lakeland wins when it comes to knowledge. - I joked.

- We'll see about that. - He wiggled his eyebrows in a funny way. - Come with me.

Was Maven finally beggining to trust someone, after all this time?


- We're here.

After passing by, I don't how much halls, Maven finally stopped in his tracks - there was a simple wood door in front of us.

- Wow, it has been a long, long, time. - He continued, nostalgic.

- What is this? - I asked, running my fingers through the door knob. - Is this where you are going to kidnap me?

- Yes. - He joked, or I hoped so, and opened the doors.

It was beautiful. I have never seen that much books in my life before - they were so magestic, their spines so graceful. It was precious.

- Wow. - I couldn't speak, I was speechless.

- Yeah. - He said. - It was my uncle's library. I don't use it very much, you can have it.

He said that with so much naturality. How could he? Didn't he see it?

- This is a museum. This is culture, Maven. - I gasped. - Do you trust me that much?

He shrugged. - I don't know. Just don't put everything in fire and we are good.

I couldn't believe it. I suppose my smile was bigger than that gigantic map suspended on the wall. Maven got surprised when I started jumping around and hugging him nonstop.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you-"

"Okay, I got it." He said, smiling a little. "You're welcome".

She is not afraid of me, he thought - happy.


*Books, these quiet talkers, that we can always interrupt and talk with - for a whole day - without having the obligation to say anything back [...] teachers always get mad, when having to explain something again - but not the books, books only require the good will from who studies.

PS: Hope you guys like it, I love this book, Aluísio is a great writer!

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Silly Fear - Maven Calore x Reader 🔥Where stories live. Discover now