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I hate you.

I hate you.

I hate you.

Go away!

I woke up, everything still dark. The recent nightmare I had was going over and over through my head. I was shaking, trembling and having difficulties to breath - not again, please. Another panic attack.

So, I got out of bed and tried to open the windows to get some air.

"Dammit, it's stuck!"

I couldn't think, my head was a blur and everything felt odd (more than it did, in a daily basis). I needed to get out of here.


The halls were cold, empty. There wasn't even a ghost passing by and I was shivering because of the thin fabric I wore, but I did not care - I just needed to get to that stupid garden.

"Left, right, left again and then right" were the only things I could think of.

After a few minutes of messing up, I finally arrived. I was relieved. There were some silvers - probably from the Rhambos House - guarding the entry.

But, as I tried to pass by, they just held me back.

- Hey! Watch out! - I said, in a high pitched voice.

- This is a prohibited entry area, princess, you are not allowed to pass. - One of the guards stated in a calm voice.

- But I need to, please. - My voice was beggining to sound unregulated, like I was about to cry. - I just need some air.

- I'm sorry. But I can't let you in.

I couldn't think straight, I just wanted to get rid of this sensation, it felt like my lungs were being ripped out.

So I used my telekinesis and all I had to throw the guards away.

As you may imagine,

that did not end well.


Hey, guys! This week was a busy one, but the vacations are going to start soon, gladly!

I don't have a specific day to post, but I'll do my best to be as much present as I can :)

Do not forget to follow and vote! If you have any suggestions, please message me!

Silly Fear - Maven Calore x Reader 🔥Where stories live. Discover now