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A few weeks passed, and Maven and I were still not talking. Well, to be exact, I wasn't talking to Maven. He sometimes tried to aproach me, but I always dodged him with a cold feature. 

- I'm not going to fall for that again. - I said, murmuring, while I opened the big and brown doors with my telekinesis after that boring royal meeting.

Despite the fact that we've been almost turned into a big pool of blood in the weeding, everything looked exactly the same - the silvers being... humm, silvers and the meeting being as annoying as the past ones. 

Now that Maven and I weren't talking, my day was almost resumed in me going to that conferences and returning to my room - I refuse to visit that garden and give him that pleasure.

Most of the times I almost considered quitting  - but I'm most known for my persistent self. I am not going to talk to him, not after that.


When Iris called (Y/n) to visit her, she got really confused - accordingly to her, Lakeland needed to solve a few terms. - Oh, hello, (Y/n). You're finally here. - The queen said, sounding exhausted.

- Hello, Your Highness. 

- So... we need to solve a few things related to our country. - She added. - Jisanda has been calling you to come back. Recently, we received a very good opportunity to defeat Norta, we need your help. 

The princess almost choked on air. - Defeat?! - Didn't Iris marry Maven?

Iris' face almost resembled confusion. - Yeah... defeat. Duh. 

(Y/n) felt like the dumbest person on Earth. So Maven really was right about the suspection thing, she musn't be trusted. - Help on what?

- Recruting the silvers for the war. 


After gathering all of the informations I had, it was obvious that Lakeland only had interests in Norta's land - we needed to crush them. Do I really have a choice? Considering the fact that we are betraying Norta, I don't really find a good alternative to stay near Maven - he would see the lie right through me. 

Even though my heart hurt a little, it would really be great to stay away from that idiot. Norta will get what it damn deserves. 

After all, the Cygnet's wishes are my wishes. 

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Silly Fear - Maven Calore x Reader 🔥Where stories live. Discover now