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liked by jakeandrews , rileyjoy and 1,002,981 otherselleroseadkins happy 18th birthday my love 🤍🦋✨

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liked by jakeandrews , rileyjoy and 1,002,981 others
elleroseadkins happy 18th birthday my love 🤍🦋✨


jakeandrews officially my fav birthday, bc it's my first one with you 😘

elleroseadkins @jakeandrews love you 🤍

rileyjoy Happy Birthday Jake! We hope you have the best day with one of the best girls!! 😁 - Mason & Riley

jakeandrews @rileyjoy thank you both 😊

chloe_collins happy birthday jake!! 🥳

jakeandrews @chloe_collins thanks chloe!


Elle's pov

"I know I'm ready. I just don't know how to talk about it, you know?"

"Yeah." Chloe says.

"I've only ever been with Mason." I sigh. "I want him to know that it's a big step but at the same time I'm ready. I just don't know how to tell him."

"You could always try being spontaneous. Just don't really talk about it, just let it happen."

"I guess." I agree. "I just don't think it's as meaningful that way."

"I mean, at the end of the day it's just sex." Chloe shrugs.

I frown. "I know that, Chlo. It's my first time with someone other than Mason. So it's a big deal for me."

"Well, it's not like it's your first time." Chloe adds.

What is up with her? She's been like this a lot recently. Constantly making me feel stupid. We haven't seen each other in person in a long time. But there was no one else I wanted to talk to about this.

She's suppose to be my ride or die. We've been through everything together.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"Nothing." She says clearly annoyed.


"I have to go." Chloe says abruptly. "Talk later."

That's all she says before I hear "beep beep beep", signally the end of the call.

I frown and put my phone down on the bed.

I take a deep breath deciding I can't let this ruin my day.

I'm here to have a good day with Jake.
My boyfriend. My best friend.

"Elle." Jake knocks before opening the door.

He walks inside.

I smile. "This is your room, you know."

He smiles and walks closer to me. Jake wraps his arms around my waist. Mine around his neck.

Jake presses his lips on mine and pulls away.

I can't help but smile.

He always makes all my problems melt away. Like they never existed in the first place.

"I love you."

"I love you." He says back. "Now, tell me what's wrong."

"There's no problem."

He raises his eyebrows. "I know you, and I know when you have a problem. Is it Hadley?"

I shake my head. "Hadley's good. There was a problem, but it doesn't matter anymore. Because I'm here with you." I smile.

He kisses my cheek.

"We can talk about it later, okay?" I say knowing he's worried.

Jake nods in agreement.

"Jake." I breathe out.

He's green eyes look into mine.


"You think we're forever, right?" I ask hopelessly.

I watch as his eyes glow with sympathy. He reaches out pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I know we're forever, Elle Adkins."

I smile so big I don't think I physically could any bigger.

He said exactly what I needed to hear. With Mason, he could never promise me a future. To tell you the truth, I could never see a future with Mason.

With Jake, I see forever. It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we have each other.

He's my soulmate, my best friend, my lover, my partner, whatever you want to call it... it's him.


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