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liked by chloe_collins and 590,730 others _ellerose mini me 💕

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liked by chloe_collins and 590,730 others
_ellerose mini me 💕


chloe_collins Missing her 🥺 (and you❤️)


"Did they say how far along you were?" I ask as I rock Hadley in her stroller.

"17 weeks."

"Does that give you anymore clue of who the father is?" I ask.

"I should like a slut but no." Riley groans.

"Let me just say from experience, don't wait forever to tell your Mom or your Dad or someone."

"I think I'm going to tell my sister. I'm just not sure how she'll take it." Riley groans.

"Thats a good idea. She's gonna find out one day." I say. "I have to go but I'll call you after you tell her."

"Thanks." Riley says. I hang up and put my phone in my back pocket.

I walk back over to the group. "Where are we suppose to go?" I ask Maddie.

"Apparently here."

We all stand around talking and start taking some pictures. People starts crowding around asking for pictures.

We all start spreading out. Allie and I end up together. We start talking about our baby daddy drama and it seems like we have similar drama.

"After we broke up he stopped seeing Cartia. I pushed for him to see her but when he kept refusing I just stopped. Literally a year later he takes me to court for custody! If he called and asked to see her, I would have slowly let him back in but he took that root. Obviously him being her father he got every second weekend." Allie sighs.

"Either Mason is going to have to step up or I'm going to have to take him to court. He doesn't pay child support and he sees her whenever he wants. I feel like it's not fair on me or Hadley."

"Even though it was real pain in the butt, honestly it was worth it. Cartia now has a routine."

I nod. "I really didn't want it to come to this." I sigh.

"Hey, you guys are creators aren't you?" A young guy probably around my age asks.

"Yeah we are." Allie says.

He looks quite familiar actually. Theres a mother guy around Allie's age that looks quite like the other guy.

"Could you point our where the main stage is?" The other guys asks.

"I think you take the elevator to the second floor and its some where there." I say.

The younger guy nods. "I'm Jake and this is my older brother Dustin."

"You both look familiar actually, you're young Moms aren't you?" Dustin acts.

"Yeah." Allie nods. "I'm Allie and this is Cartia." Allie motions to Cartia sleeping in the stroller.

"I'm Elle and this is Hadley."


"He said young mom! Young Mom instead of Teen Mom! A plus, I'm just saying." Allie says and we laugh.

Unexpected Angel. (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now