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Five Days Later...

Elle's pov 

"You're going to the funeral right?" I ask Riley. 

Riley nods. 

"How did he react?" I ask. 

"It was honestly hard to tell, I tried to be respectful and told him I understand if he wants nothing to do with me." Riley sighs. 

"What did he say?" 

"He told me his going through a lot right now and that his not sure what to think. But he did clarify he would be there to support me and the baby." 

I nod. 

"I had to tell him." 

"I know." I agree. 

"People can officially tell I'm pregnant now so I had no choice." 

I nod. 

"Can you say something? It feels judgy." 

I sigh, "Sorry, I'm not trying to be I'm just worried." 

"About Mason?" 

"Kind of. I'm worried about everyone. He just lost his brother now he has two babies. Hadley won't get to know her uncle, that must hurt him. Now your baby won't." I lay my head back. 

"I feel like an idiot. I should have done this months ago." Riley sighs. 

I shake my head. "Sometimes, you have to be selfish. Especially now you're pregnant and your baby now relies on you." 

Riley nods. "I just feel stupid, you know? No offence." She quickly adds. 

I take a sip of my smoothie. 

"I totally understand. Honestly, it's other people opinions that make you feel stupid. Because deep down you already love your baby." 

Riley nods. "Just when I think you can't say something smart, you do!" 

I laugh. 


"Was it good seeing everyone?" 

Mason nods. "They all love Hadley." 

"How could they not?" I say kissing Hadley cheek making her giggle. 

Mason laughs making me smile. 

"So are you all good for tomorrow?" I ask. 

Mason nods. "About that..." 

I frown, "What's up?" 

"You know how I asked you to walk in with Hadley?" 

I nod. 

"Now that Riley is carrying my baby, I would like it if she could walk with you?" Mason asks more as a question.

I smile slightly, "Of course, it's your families decision of what happens. I have no say." 

"Well I want you to have a say." Mason smiles. 

I nod, "Thank you. Have you told your Mom yet?" 

Mason nods. 

"What did she say?" I ask as Hadley squirms in my arms. 

"I honestly don't know. It feels like with everything going on that she couldn't be disappointed or angry." Mason shrugs. 

I nod. "Well you can talk to me if you need anything."

"I appreciate it." Mason nods. 

For a split moment we catch each others eyes. Suddenly I look away. 

"I can't believe our little muffin is almost eight months old." Mason says changing the subject. 

"I know!" I smile. "We have to start talking about first birthday ideas!" 

"Her birthday isn't for four months." Mason laughs. 

"Exactly we're running out of time." Elle says. 

Mason laughs. 

"We should go but I'll see you tomorrow morning." Elle says. 

Mason nods. "Bye Hadley." He says and kisses her cheek. 

"Bye." He says to me. 

"See ya." I say awkwardly and walk towards my car. 

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