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_ellerose my princess baby 💜👼🏼


chloe_collins Aunt Coco misses you Hadley!😍

_ellerose @chloe_collins you literally saw her like yesterday 🤪

chloe_collins @_ellerose 🤷‍♀️😂

23 February


Elle's pov
"Say mama." I smile to Hadley.

"Mmm." She coos.

"You're so cute!" I kiss her cheek and tickle her.

Braxton and I recently started 'talking'. Basically we go on dates and we don't see other people... but we're not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Mason and I are still working through so issues. Recently his been having Hadley once or twice a week. I understand he has school but I think he could make more of an effort.

Today is Hadley's three month doctors appointment. I think she has to get shots but I'm not sure.

Mason is skipping school for it... pretty sure Lily made him but I'm trying to think positive of him. Our situation isn't easy but I feel like our effort should be 50/50 not 90/10 but whatever.

Back to the positive Braxton is really sweet with Hadley. Mason and I decided that we didn't want our relationships to be around Hadley too much until we know it's going to last awhile.

I'm still not sure what's going on with Riley and Mason but idgaf.

"Let's go, lets go." I say to Hadley and pick her up off my bed.

I set her on my hip and grab my phone. I walk out of my room. I walk downstairs.

"Ready mom?" I ask.

"Yep, cmon Finley!" She says and Finn walks downstairs.

I put the diaper bag over my shoulder. My mom grabs the keys and we walk out the door.

"I want to hold Hadley!" Finn says.

"You can't Finn." I say.

I open the door of the suburban. I put the diaper bag in the car. I lay Hadley in her car seat. She smiles at me.

"You so cute!" I say and tickle her. She giggles.

I buckle her into her car seat. I shut the door and get in the passenger seat. My mom finishes helping Finn and she starts driving.

"So are you positive you want a Jeep?" Mom asks.

Oh yeah, I'm also buying a car! I'm in need of one and I finally have enough from YouTube and saving since before I even had Hadley.

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