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elleroseadkins this guy ✨


jakeandrews pretty girl 😍

chloe_collins best new couple on the block 😏💗


Elle's pov 

"I don't want you to go." I pout. 

Jake nods. "I don't want to either but- I have to." He sighs. 

"I just wish we lived closer." I say honestly. 

"We'll see each other New Years, right?" Jake checks. 

I smile. "If you'll have me." 

Jake smiles. "It would be my greatest honour." He says before leaning into for a kiss. 

I smile before pulling him in quickly. 

"I really like you, Jake Andrews." 

"I really like you, Elle Adkins." 

We both smile sheepishly before Hadley ruins the moment. 

"Mommy!" I hear her yell. 

I sigh. "-But I also have a child." I say before walking towards her nursery. 

Jake nods letting me go. 

"Who I am also fond of." Jake adds. 

I nod. "Why are you awake?" I question my daughter. 

"No sleep." Hadley says cheekily. 

"Let's get you dressed." I say getting her out of the crib. 

I sit her on the change table. I take off her pyjamas and replace them with a long sleeve dress and some matching stockings. I brush her hair and put a headband on her. I grab her boots and slip her feet into them, I tie them up quickly as she wiggles. 

"Okay, I'm done." I say lifting her down to the ground. 

"Go find, J." I say as she waddles out of the room. 

"Hadley." He calls as he chases her. 

Hadley giggles as he chases her. I laugh and grab Hadley's bag. I finish packing a few more things in it before leaving her room. When I walk out I find Jake and Hadley playing with her toys. 

Unexpected Angel. (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now