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~ three days later 

Elle's pov 

Riley was in active labour for a total of 58 hours before her and her doctors decided to do a c-section. Her baby girl was still breach so they had no other option. 

Mason called twenty minutes ago, he said that him and Riley want me and Hadley to visit. 

Of course I said yes, but it's just going to be super weird. 

I'm suppose to film a video with my sister today but I'll probably have to hold off on that. 

My apartment is now full of mine and Hadley's things from the house, I still have to get a few more things to make it feel like home. 

I change into a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a lace bra, a tank top and a sweater. I put on some socks than my air force ones. 

I brush my hair and tie it up half up, half down. I brush my teeth and apply some lightly makeup. 

I put on some of my favourite jewellery and walk out of my room. I walk into the living room and get Hadley out of her play pen. I take her to her room where I change her. 

First I change her diaper, then I put her in black leggings, a cute grey shirt with black pattens and a sweater over top. I put some socks on her, then a pair of trainers. 

I brush her hair and put tie two pigtails. 

I stand her on the ground and hold her hands. She walks a couple steps and then wants me to pick her up. I kiss her forehead. 

I put a few more diapers in the diaper bag and put it over my shoulder. I walk out of the room. 

I put Hadley on the ground while I put some of my stuff in the bag. 

"Mama Mama Mama." She crawls over to me. 

I grab her bottle from the fridge and put it in the bag. I zip it up and put my phone in my pocket. I grab my keys. I turn off all the lights and the tv, while Hadley crawls behind me. 

I pick her up and walk out of the apartment, locking it behind me. 


"H." I say and look in the carseat mirror. She looks at me through it. 

I keep driving. 

"Now we are going to the hospital to meet your half sister. Daddy might be holding her so I dont want you to get jealous. Dada still loves you he just- has a two families now." I say and turn in to the hospital. 

"Okay?" I say and look in the mirror. 

"Dada Dada." She coos. 

I laugh and park the car. I put the bag over my shoulder and get out. I walk around to Hadley's side. I open the door and she smiles. I unbuckle her and put her on my hip. I grab the gift bag from the floor. 

I shut the door and lock my car. I walk towards the entrance. We walk inside and I grab my phone. I check which room number. 

"We looking for 109 H." I say and put my phone in my pocket. 

"Wah Wah Wah." She says as we approach the hallway. 

"You wanna walk?" I smile. 

I put her down and hold one of her hands. We walk slowly down the hallway until we approach the room. 

'Riley Collins' the door sign reads. 

I open the door and we walk in. 

"Hello?" I say and walk through the curtain. 

"Come in." Riley smiles from her bed with a little baby wrapped up in her arms. 

Mason stands up from his spot on the couch. 

"There's my H." He says picking her up, she giggles. He kisses her cheek and she smiles big. 

"Congratulations." I smile walking closer to Riley. "She's so pretty." I say getting closer. 

"Thank you." Riley smiles. 

Mason walks around the other side with Hadley. 

"Look Hadley it's a baby." I smile. 

"It's your sister." Mason says. 

Riley and I make awkward eye contact and both quickly look away. 

"Do you have a name?" I ask. 

Mason had told me a few they had in mind but said they hadn't officially decided. 

"Yeah." Riley says and looks at Mason. 

"Go ahead." He says. 

"Keely Rae Collins-Wood." Riley says. 

"Awwe, that's so cute." I smile. 

I put the diaper bag down and walk to the other side of the bed. 

"Congratulations." I say and hug Mason. 

"Thanks." He kisses my cheek. 

"I took Hadley to the store last night and she helped choose a gift." I say opening the bag in front of Hadley. "I kind of motioned where to pick from but other than that she choose everything." 

Riley smiles. 

Hadley pulls out a purple teddy bear. 

"Is that for the baby?" Mason asks Hadley. 

He moves her closer and Hadley sits it by her head. 

I smile. She reaches back into the bag and pulls out a set of binkys. Then burb clothes and a cute purple coloured outfit. 

"Safe to say her favourite colour is purple." Mason says. 

"You could say that again." I say. 

"Thank you Hadley and Elle." Riley smiles laying her head back. "Mason, you should get a picture with both of them." 

"Yeah." I agree putting the bag down. "Here I'll talk Hadley." I say and take H from his arms. 

He leans over and Riley passes Keely to him. Mason carefully holds her and sits on the couch. 

"How much did she weight?" I ask. 

"Eight pounds, one ounce." Mason says. 

I nod and sit Hadley on his knee. I grab my phone and snap some pictures. 

"Baby." Hadley says. 

"Yeah, baby. Say Keely." Mason smiles at H. 


"Aww." Riley and I smile. 

Maybe this whole mixed family will work out after all... or so I thought. 

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