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Elle's pov 

"Happy Birthday H!" I smile walking into Hadley's room. 

She stands in her crib smiling. 

"Mama Mama." She coos. 

I smile and pick her up. 

"I can't believe you're already one!" I say kissing her cheek. 

"Dada Dada." She says. 

I guess Hadley has been somewhat use to Mason being here when she wakes up. He's been over a lot. 

"Dada is not here." I say and walk out of her room. 

"I'm going to make sure you have the best birthday!" I say putting her in her highchair. 

I already cut some strawberries and made her milk so I set them out for her. I turn on the TV for her to watch while I make some mini pancakes. 

After I finish eating I clean up the dishes. My phone starts ringing. 


I take a deep breath before answering. 

"Hi." I say. 

"Hey, I'm downstairs. Can I come up?" 


"Thanks." He says. 

I hang up and put my phone on the table. 

"Hadley, Daddy's here." I say. 

"Dada." She claps. 

I wash her hands and face. I get her out of the highchair and walk to the front door. I unlock it and open it. 

I stand in the doorway. I see Mason get off of the elevator. 

"Look, H." I say and out her down. 

She waddles towards him saying, "Dada." 

I smile slightly as he picks her up. He kisses and tickles her. 

"Happy Birthday baby!" He says. 

Hadley giggles making me smile. 

He walks over and I let him inside. My smile slowly fades as I remember last night. I shut the door and we walk into the apartment. 

I start making a coffee. 

"Do you want one?" I ask. 

"Yes, please." Mason says. 

I turn to Mason who stands on the either side of the counter. 

"Can we talk?" He asks. 

I nod. "-but not about getting back together." 

Mason nods in agreement. "I don't think we should." 

That kind of surprised me. 

"We tried, and it doesn't work." He says. 

"I agree." I say. "But today is Hadley's day." 

Mason nods. "We just need to get along and not tell anyone that we broke up." 

"Otherwise it will automatically turn into a big ordeal and Hadley's part will soon be about us." I say. 


I finish getting ready and start putting some stuff together. 

"I'll pick up the cake you pick up the balloons?" I ask. 

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