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That same night~

Elle's pov.

After I finish giving Hadley her bath, I wrap her in a towel and put her on my hip. I stand infront of the mirror.

"Who's that?"

"Hadley." She says.

I smile. "Yeah, who's that?"

"Mama." She smiles.

I kiss her head. "Good job."

I walk her into her bedroom.

We just moved into my apartment yesterday so we only have essential things. All that's in Hadley's room is her crib and a box of her stuff.

I dry her with her towel and lay it on the floor. I put a diaper and her onesie on her. Then I brush her hair. I pick up her towel and hang it in the bathroom.

Then I pick her up and bring her into the living room.

All that's in there is the Tv on the stand and her play pen. I put her inside of her play pen with some toys and play 'bluey' on the tv.

I walk into the kitchen and grab my phone off of the counter. I have a missed call from Chloe so I call her back. I put it on speaker while I pack the dishwasher.

"Hey." She answers.

"Sup." I say.

"Riley send me a message and said she's in labor."

"Yeah." I say.

"Did you tell him?"

"Did I tell Mason his second child is about to be birthed? Yes." I chuckle.

Chloe laughs, "I meant did you tell him what you were worried about?"

"Oh." I say. "Well I did a little."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing. He had to go." I say.

"I told you not to leave it until last minute." She sighs.

"That's my brand." I joke. "Honestly, I'm okay. I was worried before he left but I'm okay now."

"What changed?"

"Well, I just realised he is with me so he can't leave me and Hadley behind. Because he obviously wants to be around us or he wouldn't be with me, you know?"

"Well that's what I tried to tell you, are you sure you're okay? I can come over."

"I'm fine, Chlo."


"Pinky." I say.

My phone dings.

"Mason just texted."

"What did he say?"

"She's only at a two."

"From what I recall she can't push until a 9 or 10?" Chloe asks remember from Hadley's birth.

"Correct." I say.

'okay, give her my love' I text.

"They're in for a long night." I say.

'she's in a lot of pain so they want to keep her for monitoring' He responds.

"Mason said she's in a lot of pain so they're keeping her in."

"Well she should be in pain right?" Chloe asks.

"Yeah, but she's only at a two so usually they send you home."

'baby possibly breach' he texts.

"Oh, baby is possibly breach."

"That means its feat are at the exit, right?"

"Correct." I say.

"Oh shit." She says.

"Hopefully they can get it to turn." I say.

I start making Hadley's bottle.

"Babababababa." Hadley mumbles.

"I'm making it Hadley." I say.

"Can we FaceTime, I want to see her?" Chloe says.

I click FaceTime and set the phone in front of the tv.

"Look H, its aunt Coco." I say.

"Coco!" Hadley exclaims.

"Hadley!" Chloe smiles.

I walk back into the kitchen and make the bottle. I make sure it's not too hot before I pick up Hadley. I lay her in my arms and pass her the bottle. She quickly puts it in her mouth. I pick up my phone.

"I'll talk to you later." I say.

"Okay, Bye Hadley."

Hadley waves.

We laugh.

"Bye." I say before hanging up.

I rock Hadley in my arms while she drinks her bottle. She closes her eyes while she drinks. I walk into her room and shut the curtains. I turn on the sound machine. She slowly lets go of her bottle so I hold it. She stops drinking when her bottles almost finished.

I replace it with a binky and carefully lay her in her crib. I put her blanket on her and turn off the light in the bathroom. I turn on the monitor and shut off the bedroom light. I quietly walk out of her room and shut the door.

I make myself a small bowl of cereal since I didn't get to finish my dinner. I open the doors to the balcony and take a seat. I relax in the rest air while I eat. I take a picture of the city lights and post it to my story.

I hear the front door open. I sit up and walk inside. I locked the door so it has to be someone with a key.

"Hello?" I call.

Mason walks out of the hallway.

"What are you doing here?" I ask putting my bowl in the sink.

"My Mom's going to get me some clothes from the house and I wanted to stop and see you." He says.

I put my hands on my hips.

"You should be with her."

'I was worried about you." He shrugs and walks closer to me.

I smile slightly. He puts his arms around me.

"H asleep?" He asks.

I nod wrapping my arms around him.

"What were you doing?"

"Eating cereal and sitting on the balcony." I say.

"Sounds good." He says and walks towards the door.

He sits on the chair and pulls me into his lap.

"Tell me what was wrong."

I sigh, "I was just worried that you'd be busy with a new baby and being there for Riley, Hadley would get left behind."

Mason looks at me. "Hadley could never be left behind. I love her you and her so much."

I smile and kisses me. I lay my head on his chest.

"Do you think we'll be together forever?" I ask after a minute.


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