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Los Angeles, California

elleroseadkins Los Angeles, California

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liked by jakeandrews , mason.wood and 424,670 others
elleroseadkins you'll never guess who I found in the airport 🤭😊💛 @allie_brooke


allie_brooke iconic 😏

jakeandrews get your shoes off the counter

elleroseadkins @jakeandrews apologies

jakeandrews @elleroseadkins learn some manners

elleroseadkins @jakeandrews I dropped out of high school

jakeandrews @elleroseadkins same, I took an online class for it

elleroseadkins @jakeandrews no way send it to me, I need to teach my daughter some... she never says thank you :(

jakeandrews @elleroseadkins they have a class for babies too

elleroseadkins @jakeandrews sweet

chloe_collins @jakeandrews @elleroseadkins your comments r cringey 😂

elleroseadkins @chloe_collins you're welcome

jakeandrews @chloe_collins my pleasure

allie_brooke @chloe_collins it's even more cringey when you're sitting in the same room as them both and watch as they anticipate each other's reaction to each comment... it's just sad 😂

chloe_collins @allie_brooke omg cringe city 😂


Elle's pov

"Allie and I just got to our hotel. It's actually really nice." I say.

"And wasn't very expensive." Allie says.

I nod in agreement.

"It's around 3 pm so I think we're just going to chill here until dinner." I say to my camera. "Are you missing Cartia?" I ask Allie.

"Oh one hundred percent." She says. "Except Cartia and I have had a lot of time apart so I'm sure it's a lot harder on you."

"I'm okay right now, but I only just left her like nine hours ago so..." Allie and I chuckle.

"Anyway I'll update you guys before we go out for dinner." I smile to the camera and cover it with my hand.

I turn it off and put it down.


Allie and I spend the afternoon just catching up and chilling in the hotel. We came to LA for a getaway but also because it's Dustin's birthday. He is Jake's brother we met them both at Playlist a couple months ago. Dustin's turning 20 and apparently him and Allie are 'kind of dating', Allie's words not mine.

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