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A couple days later 

Elle's pov. 

"Just one date." 

"It's not a good idea." I sigh. 

"Come on, it won't hurt." Mason pleads. 

I knew that over the past few weeks my feelings for Mason have grown. It's just when I see him with Hadley my heart melts. I've seen him be so grown up about the whole Riley situation. His opened up and been so vulnerable with me. I can tell his changed so much and is not the same guy that I dated freshman year. We kissed once a couple days after Harley's funeral. It's hard to explain but it felt like a friendly kiss... not a romantic one. I felt like he was just saying thank you for everything I had done for him during that week. He has told me multiple times it meant more to him but... how can I be sure?

"Please?" He begs. 

I smile slightly and groan. "What should I wear?" 


I smile as I walk inside the house. I shut the door behind me and set Hadley in her play pen. 

"What are you smiling at?" Mom asks walking out of the kitchen. 

"I'm going on a date with Mason." 

"Oh." My Mom breathes out. 

I frown, "Something wrong?" I ask taking a seat on the sofa. 

Mom sighs. 

"His put you through a lot and I don't want to see that happen again." She says honestly. 

I nod. "His different now. You don't have to worry about me." 

"I know that because you have Hadley, you make your own money and you basically are an adult, to me you're still my sixteen year old daughter. Of course I have to worry about you." 

"I know I'm sixteen, but I just don't feel like I am. The problems I have feel like they're not just teenage drama." I sigh. 

Mom nods. "I know that. But whether you admit it or not, you were devastated when Riley and Mason started going out. Now his having a baby with her." 

"But when he was with her he had Hadley." I add. 

"Yes, but I know that you didn't really like the fact Hadley was around Riley while you weren't around." My Mom adds. 

I go to pipe back but she stops me. 

"Which is completely fair enough. Most Mothers don't like the idea of another woman raising their child, you have to remember that Riley may feel the same way. Will you and Mason being together get in the way of two children and their father?" Mom reasons. 

I huff now that I have so many thoughts spiralling through my head. 

"I want you to be happy." Mom says and kisses my head. "Just something to think about." She says before walking away. 


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