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_ellerose my baby is one week old today!
👼🏼🥰 @hadleyrose


chloe_collins Cutie pie! 😍

rileyjoy 💜

november 25


Elle's pov
"Pleaseee stop at starbucks!" I plead my mom.

"Okay." She says.

"Yay!" I say.

We order starbucks. I pass my mom my card to pay. We grab our drinks and go to target. My mom parks the car.

We get out. I open the back and I get the stroller frame out. My mom gets Hadley in he car seat out as I'm can't carry it yet.

She clips it into the stroller and I thank her. I put the diaper bag in the bottom of the stroller and put my drink in the cup holder. My mom unbuckles Finley from his car seat and holds his hand.

I grab my camera to vlog. We walk inside and I start recording. "So we just got to Target." I say to the camera.

"Elle, were going this way." Mom says.

"Okay, I'm gonna go baby isle." I say.

"What are you gonna get?" She asks.

"Just look around and buy some wipes and stuff." I say.

"Okay, I'll text you when I'm finished." She says and I nod.

They go their way and me and Hadley go our way. I walk towards the baby isle while recording.

"So Hadley and I had our One week appointment today. It went pretty good. Wait- this is her first Target visit outta the womb! Let's see how she likes it. I stop walking and lift the blanket off the car seat. I show her sleeping.

"Apparently she thinks it's boring but hey I'm not complaining. Sleeping it better then screaming!" I say.

I could see a few people look at me as I'm vlogging and I'm 15 (almost 16) and I have a baby.

I walk into the baby isle and turn off the camera. I look at all the different bottles and bibs. Not stuff I usually look at.

"Hey, you're Elle Adkins right?" A girl around my age asks, she's with a girl around the same age I'm guessing.

"Yeah." I say.

"I watch your videos! Congratulations on Hadley!" She says

"Thank you so much!" I say.

"Do you want to be on the vlog?" I ask.

"Sure!" Her friends says.

I grab my camera and turn it on. I press record.

"So I ran into some fans at Target! What are your names?"

"Jenny" and "Brooke" they each say.

"Can we get a picture?" They ask.

"Sure!" I reply.

I take pictures with the girls and say goodbye. I grab some wipes and put them in the bottom of the stroller.

I walk over to the baby clothes and choose a few winter outfits. I also choose a few bows. I walk to the food isles where I get madly judged by so many people.

Hadley starts moving so I fix her binky and Rock the stroller a little. She goes back to sleep.

"Is that your baby?" I women behind me asks. She looked to be a few years older then me, around 22 maybe.

"Yeah." I say.

"can i see?" She asks with a smile. I move her blanket and the girl looks at her.

"She's so pretty! I assume you're a young mom. I had my first daughter when I was 18." She says sadly.

"I'm almost 16, this is Hadley." I say.

"Awwe! That's so cute." She says.

"What's your daughters name?" I ask.

"My daughter past away a few hours after I gave birth to her. Her name was Josie. Now I have a son and another daughter. Josh and Lily." She says.

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine ever losing Hadley." I say.

"Hardest thing I ever went through. My names Angela by the way." She says.

"Elle." I say and we shake hands.

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