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liked by _ellerose and 8,903 others chloe_collins I crashed Elle and Hadleys photoshoot so I could get some aunt coco pics 💕🥰

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liked by _ellerose and 8,903 others
chloe_collins I crashed Elle and Hadleys photoshoot so I could get some aunt coco pics 💕🥰


_ellerose You can crash anytime ❤️


Elle's pov

Dan brought Hadley and I some clothes from home. My Mom stayed with Hadley until late at the hospital but then I told her to go home.

Hadley had to stay for monitoring tonight so I'm staying here with her.

Harley is in a major brain surgery to get the bleeding to stop. Mason and he's family are suffering and there's nothing I can say to help, which is so hard.

It's around 12:30 am now and Hadley has just gone back to sleep, as for me I don't think I will.

'You up?' Riley texts.

I send a thumbs up. I haven't told anyone other than Chloe about the accident because I don't want to over step.

My phone buzzes. Riley. I answer the call.

"Hello?" I answer softly.

"I got the results." Riley says. "I'm going to talk to Mason tomorrow."

I sigh, "Riley."

"I have to tell him, I can't hide anymore."

"Riley. You can't tell him."

"What?" She questions.

"Mason got into a car accident today."

"What?!" She exclaims.

"He's okay, but Harley isn't. They don't think he's gonna make the next 24 hours."

"Oh my gosh. How do you-" She starts.

"Hadley was in the car with them."

"She's okay?"


"Oh my gosh, Elle. Are you still at the hospital?" She asks.

"Hadley has to stay for monitoring, because she's so young. She'll be okay though."

"If you need anything just tell me what I can do. Let Mason know the same." She says.

"We'll do." I say and hang up the phone.

I lay my head back onto the pillow. I look over and see Hadley in her crib.

I sit there and pray. I haven't prayed since I was a child, which probably wouldn't count since it was probably for a barbie.

I thank god that Hadley's okay and I pray for Harley and his family. Tears fall from my eyes. I hear the door open and I look over. I quickly climb out and rush over to Mason.

"Any news?" I whisper.

"They can't stop the bleeding." He says softly.

I shake my head and pull him into me. His arms hold me tightly and he cries. I try to hold it in but my tears pour and pour.

"I don't know what to do." He cries.

"I know." I say softly.

"His my brother." He cries.


"Will Hadley have yogurt for breakfast?" A nurse with a tray walks in. 

"Yeah." I say rocking Hadley in my arms.

She puts the tray down on the small counter. "Let me know if you need anything else." The Nurse says and walks out of the room. 

I grab the yogurt and spoon. I walk over to bed and sit Hadley against the pillow. I start feeding it to her. I put my legs around her to barricade her. 

Its kind of difficult but I make it work. 

The door opens and I look over. Lily walks in. 

"Lily, are you doing okay?" I say putting the bowl down. I pick up Hadley and get off the bed. 

"I just need a break, I'm sure you do too." Lily says. "I'll feed her you go and get some food for yourself." 

"No, I'm fine." I say as Lily takes Hadley. 

"Please, I just need some time." She says. 

I nod, "I won't be gone long." 

I grab my purse and walk out of the room. I run into Chloe. 

"Hi." I say, "Hey." She responds and hugs me. 

"Are you okay?" Chloe asks tucking my hair behind my ear. 

Thats all I had to hear before breaking down. 

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