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liked by chloe_collins , rileyjoy and 298,091 others

_ellerose a rare instagram picture of me without my daughter.


chloe_collins THATS MY BEST FRIEND 💜


Elle's pov

Braxton and I broke up. We just live two completely different lives. Right now I need to focus on Hadley while she's little. As much as I hate to say it Mason is kinda right. I always say so much shit about him but I was living two lives. I thought that I could have it all but I can't.

Braxton was really supportive and completely understood.

I pick up Hadley and buckle her into her stroller. I put her diaper bag in the bottom of the stroller. I push the stroller out the door and start walking to the park. I pull my vlog camera out and start recording.

"Good morning guys! Welcome back to my channel. I'm Elle and this is my daughter Hadley." I say showing Hadley on the camera.

"Today I'm taking her to the park." I say to the camera.

"I might record a little while we are there." I say and turn off the camera.


"Playlist live in Anaheim." I repeat for the millionth time.

"Explain to me what that is again." My mom says confused.

"It's for Youtube creators. They have Meet and Greets and panels for creators to learn." I explain.

"Okay. Are just you and Hadley going?" She asks.

"Well there are heaps of Teen Mom Youtubers going. I talk to them all over social media." I say.

"Oh okay." She says making dinner.

"I was going to ask Braxton to come but... you know." I say.

"What about Chloe?" My mom asks.

"I can ask her but she does so much for me." I sigh

"I would come but work is so busy." My mom says.

"No that's fine." I reassure her.

"Maddie offered for me to fly down to her house and stay the night ands then we can fly together the next day." I say.

"Why don't you just do that then?" My mom asks serving dinner.

"Then I have to buy two plane tickets. It feels like a waste of money." I shrug.

"I'll buy your first plane ticket. It will be easy for you and Hadley. 2 hours to Dallas then 3 hours to Anaheim. Then you split the 5 hour flight." My mom says.

"I can't ask you to buy me a plane ticket." I shake my head.

"You're not asking me. I want to. I never get to buy you stuff anymore." My Mom pouts.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"A hundred percent positive." She smiles.

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