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_ellerose Cheeky baby 🙈💜


brax.tyler ❤️

chloe_collins 😍


Elle's pov
"Let me know what day you can have her." I say.

"Okay. Bye Hadley!" He says and kisses and tickles her.

"Bye." He says.

"Bye." I respond and walk over to my moms car.

I get Hadley out of her stroller.

"How did she go?" Mom asks.

"Good, she cried for a while but she was okay." I say.

"Here I'll put her in." My mom says and open her arms. I pass Hadley to her.

I file up the stroller and put it in the back. I shut the back and put the diaper bag on the ground next to Hadley's car seat.

I get in the passenger seat.

"Before we go home can we go to the grocery store?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." She says.


Braxton texts me 'Hey, can I come over?'.

'Yes plz💜' I text back.

'I'll be over after school ❤️' he responds.

After getting groceries and grabbing some lunch we went to the Jeep dealership. It's official! I finally own my own car! I pick it up in a couple days. It's white and I love it!

I put Hadley's bottles in the dishwasher. I pack away the groceries. I get Hadley out of her bumbo. I walk into the upstairs living room.

I lay Hadley on her stomach on her blanket and put a few toys around her. I sit on the ground and leaning on the couch. I turn on Netflix and watch Riverdale.

"Finn and I have to go pick up Jessa from school then we're taking her to Dance class. Avery is going out with her friends after school. We won't be back until 7 or so." Mom says.

"Okay, Braxton is coming over after school. That okay?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

"Thanks." I reply.

"Okay, see ya later." She says.

She kisses Hadley's head making Hadley smile.

"Bye Hadley!" She says and walks downstairs.

I play with Hadley and watch the tv.


I here the front door open and close. I texted Brax and told him to just come inside when he gets here as I'm feeding Hadley.

"Elle?" I hear him say.

"Upstairs!" I reply.

I'm sitting on the couch feeding Hadley and typing an essay for History. Brax walks into the living room.

"Hey!" He says and flops down on the couch next to me.

"Hi." I say. I peck him on the lips.

"Hey Hadley!" He says and she smiles while drinking her bottle.

"What are you writing about?" He asks.

"The civil war." I say.

"Dope." He laughs.

"You can play the Xbox if you want. When she's finished I'll come in there." I say.

"I'll wait for you." He says and grabs his phone.

I shut my MacBook and lay my head on his shoulder he puts his arm around me.

"Congrats on your car!" He says and kissing my cheek.

"Thanks." I smile.

Hadley pushes the bottle out of her mouth. I put the lid on it and sit her up.

"All done." I say and kiss her cheek.

I pat her back and burp her.

"How was Mason today?" Braxton asks.

"He was pretty good. He was playing with her and he held her while she got her shot and surprisingly she was fine with him." I say.

"Well that's good." He says. I nod.

Hadley burps. I get up off the couch. I sit her on my hip and grab my stuff. We walk into my room.

I put my books and stuff down. I sit Hadley on my bed. Braxton sits on my bed as well and I turn on the Xbox. I throw him the remote control.

I sit on the bed next to him and sit Hadley in my lap. I lay my head down on the pillow and hug her tight.

"What's wrong?" Brax asks.

"I'm exhausted." I say.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asks.

"No." I say and hug into him with Hadley.

Hadley laughs. "What's so funny?!" I say. I kiss and tickle her.

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