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Elle's pov

"We'll be at the house around two." I say. 

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Mom cheers. 

I laugh, "Bye." And end the call. 

I put my phone down. I reach inside the play pen and lift Hadley out to crawl around. I pass her some toys. 

"Do you want me to start the bath?" 

"Whatever." I say from the kitchen. 

Mason and I have been constantly at each others throats. Constantly fighting about something. He says that apparently I'm too nosey when it comes to Riley but I'm just trying to help! He won't give me a break. 

He walks into the kitchen. 

"After the party tomorrow Riley wants me to come with her downtown so her grandma can meet Keely." 

I raise my eyebrows. "On Hadley's birthday?" 

Mason nods. 

"What's the point of having a party if you're just going to leave?" I roll my eyes. 

"What am I suppose to do?" He exclaims. 

"Take her the day after!" 

"Keely's two week is then!" 

"Well I don't know Mason but it seems to me like she's second best." I sigh. 

Mason shakes his head. "Don't make this about you." 

"Excuse me! Don't you dare!" I exclaim. 

"It's what you do best!" He says. 

I shake my head. 

"You're an asshole." I mutter. "Everything I do is for our child! Our child!" 

"You think I'm not doing the same?!" 

"I don't think you are. Everything you do is to make her happy! One day is all I ask!" 

"She just gave birth!" He says. 

"You spent one day a week with Hadley for months after she was born!" 

"Well I learned from my mistakes." 

I walk out of the kitchen. 

"Where is she?" I asks quickly looking around. 

"What?" He turns around. 

"Hadley!" I call. 

"The bath." Mason breathes out. 

We make eye contact for .3 seconds before frantically running into her room. I push the bathroom door open all the way and find her leaning against the bath while it fills with soapy water. 

"Hadley." I say and pick her up. 

I hold her close against my chest while my heart rate slows back to it's normal speed. 

"That's it." I say looking at Mason. "We're done." I say while my eyes water. 

Mason takes a deep breath before leaving the room. After a few seconds I hear the front door slam making me flinch. 

Leaving me to cry while so suddenly my world had came crashing down.

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