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Elle's pov 

"Why can't we just have it at my house?" 

"I've already organised everything to go to my Mom's." I reason. 

"Why does it always have to work around you?" He groans. 

"Because if I didn't organise it, nothing would get done." 

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. 

I shake my head. 

"You're so annoying." I mutter. 

Mason shakes his head and sits on the ground with Hadley. 

"You should be checking on Riley." I say cutting while I cut up pumpkin.

"Just let me work it out." 

"I'm just saying." 

"Stop judging me." He says standing up from the floor. 

"I'm not judging you, I know how she would be feeling right now." 

"Seriously Elle, you need to just stop talking about her because every time you do we fight." He groans. 

"Well that's not true because we were fighting before I mentioned her." I reason. 

I hear the front door open meaning Charlie's here. 

"let's just stop." I say and walk out of the kitchen. 

"Hi." I smile and greet Charlie at the entrance. 

"Hey." She smiles as we hug. "I love your place." She says. 

"Aww thank you." 

"Mason and Hadley are in here." I say and walk towards the living room. 

"Char Char!" Hadley claps. 

Charlie smiles. Mason hugs her. 

"How have you been?" He asks. 

"Better now." She says picking up Hadley. 

I walk back into the kitchen. 

"How's Riley and Keely?" Charlie asks looking between Mason and I. 

I just keep cutting up dinner. 

"They're good." Mason says. 


"Am I missing something?" Charlie asks. 

"What do you mean?" I ask cutting my chicken. 

"You two haven't talked all night." She says. 

I make eye contact with Mason. 

"We just go into an argument." Mason says. 

"It's fine though." I say. 

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