The Beginning pt. 2

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Diamond King, 8


Ever since that day at the neighborhood playground, the boy, Damien I assumed, would "so happen" to be outside at the same time as me every time she spent the weekend with her cousin.

If I thought he was annoying on just that day alone, I was sadly mistaken. He's given me nothing but trouble and a headache each time I saw his face.

He made it his life's mission to torture and annoy me . From tugging on my plats, to tripping, shoving "on accident", throwing objects straight at me, and blocking my path.

I doesn't understand what he's doing and why he thinks it's so if being picked on in school for being a freak wasn't enough.

Kids at school don't usually physically mess with me like this. They just say really mean things.

As much as I try to avoid him when I'm there it's impossible. Hiding behind a tree didn't work the first time and neither did begging to stay inside to watch cartoons.

It wasn't my auntie who insisted I go outside, but it was all Jade and I just never argued, with her especially.

I'm the more demure and introverted of the two of us. Now Jade is very much T.T.G. (trained to go) and will give you a three piece combo wit a biscuit in a second.

I came to spend the night again. I really didn't want to come, but my parents insist on making me play with other kids my age. I have a baby sister and three other siblings in high school, so one can imagine the alone time I have to spend. I caved under pressure and really didn't have much of a choice, but to get out there.

Around this time of day all of the kids in the complex spill out of their homes and to the neighborhood playground. There's a hidden cut covered by some vines where a big grassy field sits and that's where most of them go to play, though they shouldn't be over there.

Jade drags me onto the porch, but I make sure that I have me a book in tow. As soon as she sees her little clique of fast tail friends I basically become Casper. That's fine with me because it's just me, myself, and my book.

Oh how could I forget, and DAMIEN!

I walk over to the shady tree on the far end of the playground. As soon as I get comfortable that little snip comes over to get on my nerves.

"Sup four-eyes," He says jogging over tossing that freakin' football. "Can you stop calling me that, I don't have four eyes," I huff.

"Yea you do," he poked his finger in my face counting out my lenses and eye balls, "One, two, three, fo'." I swatted his hand away real quick. "Do you have to touch me?? I know I have on glasses, geez." I exclaimed.

"Ion know why you so mad cuz' you let me do it stupid. You'n never do nun. You just a scary cat and I laugh at scary folks," He said chuckling evilly.

He just called me a scary cat..what do I say to that?!

I'm not the best "argue-er," but typically I can throw out a good comeback or two.

I don't really pop off at the mouth, but if I tried hard enough I could probably ruin someone because of my broad vocabulary. Not to brag, but I am very well read.

I'm getting really frustrated that I don't have anything smart to say. The anxiety is taking over and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting small. In this moment, I'm intimidated, but can't figure out why.

I stutter under my breath, "I'm not scary."

"Yes you is! Look you st-st-stuttering cuz you scary!" He said bucking at me.

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