First Day

70 2 0

August 4th


I hissed, "Ow! Damn, Amber! That's hot!" I've been wiggling around under this hot comb since I sat down. She has one more time to burn me before I say fuck this and straighten it.

"I'm sorry, but you need to stay still."

I can see her "into it" face in the mirror. I told her it doesn't have to be perfect, but she told me to shut up. I knew she would turn hair-crazy, I should've just worn my real hair. She insisted that I wear this wig. Now I gotta admit, it is cute, it was twenty-two inches long and jet black. Anything longer would made me look like garden gnome. Amber thought because I said it was cute, I was on board for all of the fixings that came with an install...just put it in and do the style, I don't need swirls and shit all over my forehead mkay??

"You should probably act a little more happy to be getting a FREE install. If you were any other girl in the city you'd be paying four-hunnid duckets outta pocket," snarked Ivory from beside me.

Ugh..this bitch.

She didn't have much to say since coming downstairs and sprawling across my bed, giggling into her phone or picking at her nails. Her presence is pissing me off.

I rolled my eyes in response.

"You mean like you?" Amber asked sarcastically.

Ivory shot a bird. "Was I talking to you? No, I'm talking to D-IA-M-ON-D," she sounded out my name as if Amber was slow. That is the kinda stuff that will make you wanna sling her somewhere. Amber just sighed to herself, she didn't look like she was in the mood to deal with her this morning. Quite frankly neither am I.

I looked at her in the mirror, "Why are you even in here Ivory get out! Geez.."

"My goodness, all that nastiness," she put her hand on her chest.

Girl please that's all she ever is, what's different today? "I'm just treating you how you would treat me," I spat.

"That's neither here nor there, I came down here on important business," she said creeping up next to Amber behind me. Seeing the both of them stand to their full height next one another made me realize how tall they really the big butts??It would be rude to call them mutant avatars, but I have to agree. They're pushing 5'11, at the least.

"Please don't say nothing stupid to this girl," Amber said.

"I'm not! I just wanted to give her a few pieces of sisterly advice," she smirked. That smile was her way of letting us know she was getting ready to crank up some BS.

I let out a breath I didn't know I held, "I really don't want your advice this morning..thank you-Too bad, you shall have it," she interrupted.

"First thing....'the talk', you haven't had it have you?"

"What 'talk'??" I'm already confused.

"You know, the talk....about boys and girls.....when they like one another...." her grin grew wider and wider.

Oh hell no. Of all questions to break the ice, she chose to lead with that? 

"No....I have..not."

"Yikesters, that's too bad..especially since you're going to a place where that's all they care about," she spoke ominously.

"They care about..liking...each other?" I asked cluelessly.

"Mhm. Close enough, any other guesses?"

I looked around waiting for her to get on with whatever the hell she was doing.

"Lemme keep it short, you're going to high school, so it's time to be a big girl. In order to do that you have to know big girl shit."

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