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Get little- run really fast (getting smaller to the eye as you get further away)

Flodgin' or cap- lie

Tweaking- tripping or

Sitting duck- someone in inevitable trouble

Hoe- used as a noun/object, place, person

Duckets/Skrilla/Stacks- money

Halfway rotten- sometimes good sometimes bad

Red drank- koolaid/juice

sparkling can- someone has the floor/mic/dibs

Slaw- trash

Midnight blue- dark skinned

High yellow- light skinned

Or naw- or not

Floss- being flashy or extra dressed up


Crab- a new member to the team/band (basically bottom of the barrel & or wanders like a crab fresh out of water) who sometimes has to follow rules and traditions as part of an initiation

Crab Sisters/Brothers- the members of the band or team that were in the same crab class; ex: "Jordan and Tia are crab sisters" or Ronnie '19 means she crabbed in 2019

Vet/old head- member of the team/band who has already crabbed and is an official member

Captain- The leader of the team who throws the stands, calls the shots, often choreographs the routines, and has usually been on the team for at least 2 years unless they are selected otherwise

Tail- typically the tallest girl on the team who is last when marching and at the end of the last row in the stands

Ace- the shortest girl on the team directly behind the captain when marching and the first girl at the beginning of the row behind the captain in the stands

Short & Sassy- the first row behind the captain (shortest girls)

Magnificent Middle- the middle row behind the captain (average height girls)

Tall & Tough- the last row behind the captain (tallest girls)

Stands- stands are "cadences" or "counts" usually broken up into segments that can vary from 4 to 8 to 16; they are performed in the stands thrown by the captain where the girls repeat it back until she throws the next one

Field Show- A halftime performance at the game by the marching band accompanied its majorette team that does a routine

Buck- a dance movement that is a rhythmic pelvic thrust/pelvic contraction

The sort of popping motion they do in their counts in this video is bucking

Tip Toe- a march that entails pulling your pelvis back and forth while swinging your arms up and down and kicking your feet out one after another most widely known as pulling

In this video they start to pull at 1:45

Salt & Pepper- a march that uses high knees with both arms throwing back & forth after one another (looks like throwing salt & pepper)

In the video the captain starts to salt & pepper at 1:40

Scarecrow- akin to the pull, the same pelvic motion except your arms hang like a scarecrow and swing left to right

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