Hell Class

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So..this is what we're doing God? Somebody in the universe answer me. I need answers. Right. The. Fuck. Now.

This just isn't real. This shit only happens in movies! Am I in a movie? In a book? Is someone behind a screen controlling my life? Or is it just that the schedulers accidentally have put me in harms way..but do they know that? How comical is it that I maneuver through the whole day with zero interruptions, but come to the biggest stump in the road at the last damn period.

The answer is, it wasn't. Maybe for somebody on the outside looking in, but not for me.

"Go ahead sweetie, so we can get started," the teacher cheerfully encouraged me to sit.

Girl ain't shit to be cheerful about! Fuck!

I must've been standing there a while, trying to figure out how in the hell I was gonna sit somewhere other than the only seat in the room that was available. I also wasn't super sure if it was left empty intentionally by the other students. I couldn't be mad, I would sit my ass somewhere else too, INDEFINITELY. By now, the class was impatiently burning holes into me with their eyes, I'm sure wondering if I was slow or not.

What do I do in this moment? The teacher was only gonna ask so many times for me to sit before she assumes I'm, "one of those kids." I'm gonna regret it, but I don't have a choice. I picked my feet up off the ground, moving past the tables unhurriedly as if I needed somebody to slide some oil to me. I can only fathom how pitiful I look.

You know the typical scene in a scary movie where there's a door or hallway you're not supposed to enter, but the lil white girl does it anyway? That's what this feels like. And I don't like scary movies, but I'm about to have to play my role in it. Something in my bones is shouting "just run out the class you idiot!" Trust I would, but I don't know where the fuck I would go! Hell, they got security walking the halls and shit, I don't have time to be getting clocked on the first day of damn school.

The sounds of the loud gulps I'm taking down were assaulting my ears as I inched closer to their partner styled desks. Because he knew I was coming to sit directly in front of him, he leaned forward to pull out and pat the chair I would sit in. Giving someone the satisfaction of knowing they can make you fold without so much as a breath was pathetic, I know. But one thing about me, I do believe eyes are windows to the soul and you won't get mine. I don't call it folding, I call it "I'll be damned if I give you one glance of my frustration." So you can use it against me in the next second? Nope.

I went to pull the chair forward so I could sit, but he held onto it. I brought my head up from the ground to look him in the eye. No matter how good the "I'm not playing'' look I gave him was, his snake eyes held a winning streak. Nigga are you trying to make a scene??? I tugged it back again, he still held on. I did this time, with a stronger force that was still discreet, and he let go right then. It appeared to the people around us that I had snatched it out of his hand, the chair ran into my shin with the jerk I applied. I winced, from the fact that he managed to make me look like a fool while barely moving a hair on his head.

So now what, I look like a bitch to my classmates? Or a complete buffoon for it being him alone? I think they'd say both.

Once he saw what he did, he and Quentin cackled like two hyenas at me. This class looked about forty deep, the teacher more than likely didn't and won't ever pay attention to the commotion at the back of the classroom. I hoped she was one of those walk-around teachers. Actually better yet, why am I worried? I will switch RIGHT the hell out.

I just have to deal for now.

A class discussion ensued, that I certainly wasn't raising my hand for. The two clowns behind me took advantage of this free time to do what I thought was coming.

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