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Sorry I slick ghosted for those that were starting to get invested in the story. Lawd this senior year + track season is whooping my ass, but I'm pushing through cuz I do wanna finish the book😃....I started to think no one was gonna read ts but then I was like actually I'm gonna finish it cuz I know where I'm going with it in my head lmao. But yea thanks to those who plan on sticking around, I feel like it feels slow rn but I kid you not there's a lot in the story that I have yet to uncover for y'all. Stay tuned!


"Why it get chilly all of a sudden?" asked Aubrey shivering.

"I told yo hardhead ass to bring a hoodie or something," grumbled Latrell.

"It's the summertime still why the fuck I need a hot ass hoodie?"

"Nigga you just fucking said-okay," Latrell rolled his eyes.

Here I am again, surrounded by these fools. We were told to meet here in this alleyway at 9:00 sharp. I'm not sure why the hell the seven of us were told to meet up here after practice and this late at that. Well I was with the girls today, but still practice is practice. We were forced to sell some cheap ass story to our parents explaining that the older boys wanted to treat us to dinner or something before the first home game. I was hoping Mama wouldn't buy it, but she insisted I go, it seemed like a kind gesture. We told them to just drop us off at the school and they would take us in their cars, but really all of our asses had to catch the bus to get to this sketchy ass location. The damn bus stop was a ten minute walk from here. It was dark, polluted, and had a weird smell. The environment looked how I always described Arabia, the Gotham City of Mississippi. The area was surrounded by buildings, but we seemed to be the only souls, standing out here like sitting ducks.

We were here, so where the hell were they? They always talking about us being late..

"I know damn well we ain't out here to 'have dinner', so what the fuck going on?" Nardo asked.

"Whatever it is, I know they better hurry up," I said.

"Nigga no..them crazy ass niggas probably tryna scare us bruh," shuttered Chase. "Shid, got me paranoid as fuck."

God, I'm not in the mood to be spooked. I was having a decent day, got an A on a quiz, taught some new choreo, and talked to my sister. All for it to go down the drain with a text from Frick and Frack about tonight.

Braylen tugged the arm of my jacket to him. He was always silent, but his silence this evening was particularly loud. "I think we're in trouble J," he mumbled ominously.

"Why do you say that? We haven't done anything." When I asked, a thunderous engine roared through the alley. It made each of our hearts jump out of our chest. The big burgundy Silverado drove toward us between the buildings with the brightest level of its headlights blaring. We knew exactly who's country ass truck this was. Another set of lights shined from the other way out of the alley, coming from a sleek, black BMW, accept it didn't pull in. The truck suddenly charged towards us, giving us barely any time to act! We had to jump out of the way like deer in the road, and the landing wasn't soft. Pretty sure I crashed on some old ass trash bag, still able to feel the hard ground.

The truck cut off completely, and Damien hopped out, slamming the door and looking extra enthused about this evening. Of course it put a smile on his face to see us on the brink of near death.

"Bruh, you fucking crazy?!! you almost ran us over!!" Nardo went off. Clearly he is crazy you idiot, why do you think the rest of us haven't questioned him just now? Our life literally flashed before our eyes and he's this sane to be asking him a stupid question like that?

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