A New Thing pt. 2

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2:25 p.m.

"14:26! 14:38! Yes awesome job girls!" Coach Taylor called the times as Brandy and I crossed the finish line one after the other.

We were the second and third girls to finish in the last group of the day. The inside of my chest was burning like hell.

The sun ain't helping either.

The last two finish right behind us and they're passed out on the turf wet and panting to death. CoCo, a stallion dark skinned girl, another freshman in our group let out the weirdest sound ever, "Ya'll I'm fucking dead!! What the hell was that?!" We died laughing at how bad they look right now, but every time we do our soar muscles tighten and the sound of moaning pain arises. No one really responded because we were too busy tryna catch our breath.

One of the veterans, Jordyn, walks over, "Ya'll are a tough group of freshman, but y'all ain't seen nothing yet. If ya' didn't know already we run two miles everyday at practice and if somebody messes up in a performance that's extra laps." My eyes widen at the idea. I'll be damned if I miss a single step if I were to make the team. 

"Trust me if y'all make it, doing it everyday will feel like nothing. They don't call it conditioning for no reason," she assures before skipping away. That somewhat made Me feel better about it, but I do have to make the team, first of all.

2:50 p.m.

We were finally back in the gym with some nice air conditioning thank God. Heiress grabbed the bullhorn, "Alright ladies! We are about to do cuts for the next round, so sit next to your stuff and if I call your name you have been selected to move on."

A second later she's calling names and she's gotten through eleven so far, now twelve, now thirteen, now fourteen, fuck I'm not gonna make it. Now it's sixteen!!!!

I may as well get my shit and go. As soon as I uncross my legs to get up I hear,

"Diamond King!"

The nineteenth name...

Taylor can really kiss my ass for doing me like that. She wrote me second to last, knowing I was anxious. Brandy and Coco had been called earlier, so I was really believing I was done for, but hey I'm in the last round, one step closer.

"Bitch I got scared for you I thought you weren't gonna make it," said Brandy shockingly. Coco adds, "Yesss I was like the three musketeers gotta stay together! If all the veterans make it back we most definitely have to be in three of those four spots."

"Right, there's only twenty of us left and six won't be so lucky. So let's hope our memory is as up to par as our fitness," I say nervously. "I'm just glad we outta that sun chile I'm already dark skinned and I was getting blacker by the second!" said CoCo holding a mini fan to her face.

Where did she get that??

We all share a laugh and get ready for the next round.

6:00 p.m.

We just finished the last round and I'm feeling like I'm very much fucked. The last three hours were spent teaching a group routine. I did fine with catching on, but I did a double passé hop instead of one and stumbled on a turn in the final performance. I love that for me. I'm trying not to get too in my head. We'll see what happens, but I doubt I'll stop stressing unless I get an email later tonight.

Right now I'm sat on a bench under the tall arches of the athletic department building just waiting on my mama to pick me up. I can withstand the temperature now that it's cooled down just a little bit.

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