The Slaughter Machine

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I bet Renardo wished the ground could swallow him up. Yeah I had to say the full government because that's who he was right now. To everyone he was the arrogant, competitive, and talented Nardo, but in this moment he was a shaking-in-his-boots Renardo. Like a child, before the football. When you think about it he still is just a child, barely fifteen. May as well call it two different people, he's just one more so than the other. He'd get pissed if we added the "Re" onto it which always confused me.

It's your name stop acting embarrassed of it.

"Is that true?" Damien was talking to him now.

He waited a second before he frantically shook his head. The nigga hesitated, he's done already.

"So Latrell is a liar?"

Nardo's nerves were getting the best of him. He did a horrible job covering his own ass.

Latrell came to his own defense. "Nigga you better tell him," he advised still tending to his jaw that would probably be bruised in the morning. Nardo was in disbelief that he was just hung out to dry. Latrell was really the only one that fucked with him like that, I wouldn't call them close but they friends. People think that because this group is always together that we're all "friends", no it can be divided at times. Nardo chooses to isolate himself because he thinks he's better than us, he probably only thinks of Latrell as worth a little more than us. He was typically the only one in his corner, so I'm shocked as hell that Latrell didn't hold the water.

Damien heard Latrell's suggestion and waited for Nardo's next move. It will determine if he walks out of this ally the same way he came in. A deer caught in headlights is what he was right now. I couldn't tell if his lips quivered in anger or nervousness, but it was evident he didn't know how to get out of the situation.

I'll tell you what he did know. It didn't matter what he said to plead his case, Damien was gonna have his way with him either way because he said it himself, Latrell is smart and anybody who had a brain wouldn't lie to him about a thing. Nardo gave Latrell a betrayed glare where he knelt on the grown looking pitiful.

"Imma fucking kill you," he decreed under his breath, coated in venom.


I guess that was his "fuck it" moment. There's a difference between accepting fate and diving head first into it, and Nardo just plunged into the deep end. That was all Damien need to hear. He popped a crook in his neck that sounded like it had been stuck for three years, readying himself to put some WORK in on Nardo. God bless him.

Nardo didn't even try to scurry, just let Damien walk him over the truck where he was a bout to be dragged to death.

"Get out my face or join him," he growled to Chase who had been set free. He didn't have to tell him twice.

Nardo was more than firmly secured and this time the rope was shortened, ensuring that he had zero time to process what it was gonna feel like getting from this end to the other. When Damien was done, he sent a kick with power like that of a mule to his nose. He was a bloody running fountain already. "Don't expect any leniency."

For the last time he hopped in his truck and took the fuck off. Nardo looked a flag soaring in the wind of the vehicle that was definitely doing the speed of a highway. I thought Duck's screams were bad, these were terrible. It felt like nails on a chalkboard. Nardo might be a shithead, but I felt bad for em. I've never seen him look to helpless, there wasn't anything we could do for him. Godspeed. One time after another, again and again, he reversed and drove with the perpetrator on his tail. The concrete was tearing him up too. By the twentieth time, he looked like he had just been through a paper shredder or risen from the dead. Either of those work. The friction on his knees, stomach, and elbows had sanded his skin down to white meat. You would think someone had a let a wild animal loose on the poor boy the way he had been mauled, printed with soot, and knotted up. I can see something like that being in their plans for sure.

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