The Beginning pt. 1

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Diamond King, 8


"Why you got yo' nose stuck in a big ass book for?" Asked a voice in front of me.

I sat perched under a tree in the shade on this sunny and HOT day in Arabia, Mississippi with my big glasses and plats. Going outside to play wasn't my forte at all because I did the exact opposite and because....of stuff like this.

Not even the sound of the other screaming kids in the neighborhood park could disrupt my reading. I'm kinda of a bookworm and not ashamed.

I pushed my glasses up my nose to see a sweaty boy who seemed to be a little older than me with his nose turned up.

I can smell him from here.

"The same reason you're holding a football," I replied quietly. I slightly shifted in the other direction hoping he would get the hint to leave me alone.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" he kept inquiring. I ignored him further. "SAY!" he bent down to my level with aggression. I finally responded, "Because I like to read, just like you like to play football I guess! Now can you please go away..?"

"Damn I was just asking yo' nerd ass a question," he said with his now bruised ego.

"Do you have to curse at me when you're talking?"

"That's just how I talk, you supposed to be some kinda goodie two shoes or something?"

I mumbled, "No I just know how to talk to people without being rude."

"I guess I can ask why you keep mumbling, you look to old for that, you need to speak up."

Who is this person?? Stuff like this always happens to me anytime I go anywhere with other kids around besides home or the ballet studio. There's always some block head making a ruckus. Somehow my cousin Jade convinces me to come stay the weekend at her house, which is in the projects. I'm highly convinced that she blackmails my parents and her mother.

"I just don't have anything to say is all."

He replies, "Why you acting so lame? I just wanted play wit yo' big head ass." I just pretended he wasn't there and kept reading my book.

Next thing you know, I feel sand fly all over me out of nowhere. I. JUST. GOT. MY. HAIR. DONE. Mama is gonna kill me. I gasp as I try and brush it off of me so I can at least see. Once I can, I turn to see the boy tossing his football in the air, but there are dirty hand prints on the ball. He just looks at me with a provoking face.

"Why did you do that?" I asked calmly, but with venom.

He shrugs. "What you gon' do?" his question dripped in cockiness.

We held eye contact until I closed my book to get up and leave. As soon as I started to step off he blocked my path. I go right, so does he. I go left, so does he. Every time I move, so does he. He's guarding me from pretty much every direction. At this point we look like we are playing, but he's the only one enjoying it. He sees that I'm getting frustrated and loves it evidently.

I let out a hard sigh and stand still with my hands cradling my brain. I'm not a people person and this thing is really getting to the best of me.

As I'm trying to calm down before spazzing I hear him bust out laughing evilly, like hysterical laughter!

"This is not funny." I speak up.

"Okay if you say so," he says continuing to chuckle at me. I blow again and try to walk off really fast to find Jade. I look behind me and of course he's following me! "Stop following me."



All of a sudden I feel the football fly past my head. He runs to pick it up and throw it in my direction like he was trying to hit me, but never did. That resulted in him laughing at me each time I flinched.

I'm pretty mature for my age and not even someone older, I would give him about twelve, can act like he has sense.

"You play too much, Stop!"

He spits back, "You don't play enough. Chill out damn."

"Aye Damien! Come on man we got another game starting!" shouted another boy around his age from across the field. "Ight I'm coming!" Finally he was leaving.

He threw the ball at me again and it actually hit me on the shoulder this time. I turn around to see him smirking picking up the ball while I glared daggers.

"Bye four eyes," He says smirking before running off.

"What in the world was that about?" I asked myself.

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