For The Plot

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Ivory spent way too much time contemplating the phone call she needed to make to her brother. There were too many things she had to weigh before acting. Would Baby D have found a way to bug her apartment? Her car? Wherever Mica was living? Could someone be eavesdropping? Would Mica believe her? Would he be upset? Would she just open a whole other can of worms? All of which were valid questions, but given the situation, she didn't have time to waste.

After gaining the courage, she eventually called and left several messages when he didn't answer. Him not picking up the phone wasn't out of the ordinary, he hasn't really tolerated his family for a while now. It still made Ivory nervous whether he was just on dnd or not. Thankfully, she was relieved to get a call back from him after she'd just left class. The phone call was brief, just asking one another how they've been is what consumed most of it, but Ivory did have to cut to the chase.

"Mica, there is something extremely important I need to talk to you about."

"Okay, what?"

"We can't do it over the phone. I need you to come to Atlanta."

"Is you out yo mind? I can't just drop everything and come to Atlanta. What's so important that you can't say over the phone?" he laughed in the phone.

"I'm dead serious, Mica. We can't talk about it over the phone, it's too risky."

He smacked his teeth, "You must be in trouble with daddy and need saving or something. Sorry, Ian got a dog in that fight."

"Mica, I'm not joking. Somebody IS in trouble. There's a snake in the garden," Ivory whispered into the phone, scared.

Mica's heart dropped. No one ever wanted to hear that phrase leave the mouth of a loved one. One only uttered that phrase during a real life or death situation with that crew. Telling another soul, "there's a snake in the garden" meant you or someone you know is in big trouble. Why in the fuck would Ivory say that to me?!?—he thought. This can't be reality. He immediately started to blame himself. He'd been caught. Everybody was in danger. They all gone die. The worst kept playing in his mind over and over. What happened?

"Mica say something," Ivory begged.

"Do you really know what you're saying? That ain't nothing to play with," he said losing all humor in his tone.

"Yes. Why else would I use it?!"

"Ivory, get the fuck off my phone. No you don't. You joke around entirely too much," he scolded her. "Stop hanging out wit them lil ratchet ass hoes around Arabia, telling you shit that you don't even know what it mean. Ion even know for real, so..." he lied. His sisters thought everything was a game and he wasn't feeding into it.

"Mica I need you to believe that I'm dead serious."

"Prove it."

"I can't say it over the phone you dumb fuck! You know I can't, that's proof enough! Admit it, you know what I'm talking about don't you? You know what the fuck that means."

"......I don't know."

"Then why are you holding breathes and hesitating before you answer me? Come on," Ivory's voice cracked, "you're the only person who I thought I could turn to in a situation like this. I'm begging you."

Ivory never cried. She was very tough growing up. Amber has always been the emotional twin. Ivory remained stoic as ever, just a bitch if you will. Although Mica thought his sister was being dramatic and unhinged, he was starting to become convinced. His sheer display of doubt of her words was enough to make her cry? I'll be damned—he thought. She really might be meaning what she said. Bringing himself to take that phrase out of her mouth into account was like shoving a blade through his chest. Their lives are shifting faster than he planned for in his mind.

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