Friday Night Lights

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Myra arrived at her practice around the same time every day. Coffee in hand, pearls tight, red lipstick on.

Her days were pretty standard. She was perfectly happy with the way they went each day. For years, with several young kids all under her and Topaz's roof, getting into a routine that worked for everyone took time. On top of being newly married at twenty-eight, she wasn't even halfway through her first year of residency. She thanks God that she matched every day, if she didn't, her progress wouldn't be nearly this far. Mica, the twins, and Diamond were already there, so she had no choice but to stay on top of her shit. They were around during the hardest parts and the longest hours of her career, but it was preventable. Mica was an accident. The twins were a DEFINITE accident. Diamond's existence was a little more intentional since they were engaged and getting married the following year. She thought they were done, but obviously that didn't happen. Her and Topaz's careers could've skyrocketed sooner without four rugrats running around, but they couldn't keep their hands off one another. It was worth it in the end. It seems those hard and stressful times came and left so fast, yet to Myra, they feel like just yesterday. After being relinquished from the shackles of residency, she quickly opened her practice twelve years ago. With the help of family, she flipped an abandoned building nestled between the south and east sides of town and had it refurbished extravagantly. Business has since flourished and women from outside of the city seek out her care. She has the life and the routine she always wanted. A strong, caring, successful husband and wonderful, busy children. She thought with her three youngest entering new schools, her life would be a shit show all over again, however it wasn't. Diamond seemed to need mommy less and less, bedsides being picked up and dropped off. At least the last two were still little—she thought. No wonder life was getting a little easier than she was used to. All of her birdies are slowly leaving the nest, with three already out of the door. The eldest was by default, she tries not to think about it. It will get her down and it takes her a minute to come back from it. Anyway. Her kids were all trick babies, so cute and easy going that maybe having another wouldn't be so bad. Ever since TJ, her baby fever has been through the roof. Her occupation didn't help. Her life revolved around hundreds of women and their ability to create life. It enforced a level of compassion and love in Myra that she can't get rid of. You would think after so many years of practice she wouldn't get so emotional and attached to her job, but it's just who she was. Every time she makes a delivery she wants Topaz to put another bun in the oven immediately, but he might actually have a heart attack if another one was on the way. And the kids need their father. In the end, Myra gets it. They've been blessed with more than enough and she's beyond grateful.

All mothers worry. That's completely normal. However, Myra felt like her specific state of worry was enough to make any other woman physically sick. She knew for a fact her parents didn't worry about her like she worries for her own. She used to believe that the man she chose being their father, they might make decisions that will cost them everything. Eventually, that belief faded away as the years went on and they got older. Topaz and other unwanted opinions slowly ushered that thought back into her mind recently...regarding her eldest son, but her notions in mind were less about him today. Ironically, fret surrounding the twins built in her system. Since they so recklessly entered this world they were exuberant and unruly. They were just headstrong girls to her and nothing more. As long as they didn't get in trouble legally, Myra could sleep peacefully at night.

Except...the last couple of nights. It was just another Wednesday at the office and the clock had just struck twelve. Her operations close at the lunch hour and open back up once everyone returns. She normally read emails, checked on patient files, or did random things for the kids during that time. She was a bit surprised when she received a call from her oldest twin daughter. They usually FaceTime her together in the evenings when the family is home. Myra knew they constantly bumped heads, but she loved that they were always together. Apparently, Amber felt the need to chop it up with her mother without Ivory present.

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