Rock and A Hard Place

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Hey everyone.

I'm tired of writing "I" over and over lol. I will be alternating from 1st to 3rd person when I need to and vice versa. Thanks for the support and stay tuned. <3

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Diamond had a rough last week. Her parents seemed irritable, so she refused to catch whatever had them worked up. The workload from class seemed to increase because of benchmark testing coming up. Practice seemed to be getting harder since they were learning a new field show every week. It sucked for her that her captain and coaches thought every other count should've been a stunt. Just because she was flexible and could tumble, it didn't mean she wasn't tired of it. She made cuts for last week's game by the skin of her teeth—she thought at least. On top of it all, she continues to be pissed that her gut feeling about staying in the art class she hated so much was right. If everyone didn't know before that she was the girl Damien almost murdered at summer drills, they certainly knew it was her now. The second he cursed her for the entire class to hear—-and probably several more down the hall—-and stormed out, the chatter started up again and hadn't stopped. So did the looks, that were more judging and full of pity this time around. She was just as lost as the rest of them. She didn't make a peep in class, never stopped to talk in hallways, was where she needed to be when she needed to be there. Why is the face of the school—fearsome as he is—-lashing out at her, someone who wouldn't hurt a fly? Not once, but twice. It was unheard of for people to get a second chance to walk on without repercussions. Little did they know, Diamond did suffer them. Just because they didn't see it, it raises questions and that concerns Diamond. "Why isn't she humiliated in front of everyone?" "What's so special about her?" Diamond can't control what people say, she only hopes they don't put the wrong thing in the wrong person's ear. Her place as a dancer and her non-existent reputation at school depends, for now, on one girl. Heiress.

It was time for practice and as normal, Diamond was the first girl in the room and Heiress would saunter in not long after, striking up a conversation. It was becoming an everyday thing.

Diamond was stretched down the middle when she felt Heiress slide down the wall next to her. She was almost afraid to look up because she didn't know what the next words out of Heiress' mouth would be. Since Thursday, she nor the dolls had said a word about what happened. It helped that there was a game the next day, followed by the weekend, but now that Monday has come...It's bound to come up. They've had the entire weekend for things to fester. Diamond looked up at Heiress who then gave her a smile. She always seemed happy to be around her.

"Why the long face?" Heiress asked. "Girl, I told you about that frown."

Diamond hadn't realized she had a long face. She simply wanted this week to be better than last. Most of all, she dreaded exchanging words with her captain.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just ready to get practice over with," she shrugged.

"I heard that. Mondays are the worst I swear. How was your weekend?"

"I slept, I watched how to get away with murder, and that's about it."

"That's my show right there! I keep trying to get Damien into it, but he always says 'Ion need a tv show to tell me how to get away wit murder'. Just saying dumb shit," Heiress rolled her eyes laughing.

That sounded like something Mica would say. Hm. Diamond laughed nervously, just so it wouldn't be weird. "...."

Diamond knew she would bring him up first. She always does. What does she love about this jerk so much? Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in her head. Maybe if she jumped the gun and brought up Damien's vices to Heiress in a subtle way, she could do damage control on what people might say to her first. It started as a thought, but before she knew it, her mouth moved before her brain.

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