Learn Something From You?!

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After another long week of school and a successful, exciting first home game, we're back at it again on this lovely Monday. And yes, I'm just saying lovely to sound a little more jolly than usual. Being a little less pessimistic is something I'm working on with myself. Anywho...I didn't want the weekend to end. It was all about rest, rest, rest. Taylor told us to make Saturday full of relaxation, and Sunday to recover a little. I chose a short jog with Jabari over an ice bath. I will burn in the pits of hell before I ever get into an ice bath, I'll take running for three-hundred thank you! I don't have the patience to sit and there turn numb, it's insane. I also binged here and there, pigged out, and read. A LOT. I do that on a daily basis so it's nothing new.

On the way to school, I was tuned in to the videos that were just uploaded. I had been watching our page like a hawk, cursing our media team, a.k.a. BODAE. I'm sure he would be getting lip from the girls today about how long he took to upload our shit. But he was right on time. Now that the season has officially started, Monday's are now movie day! Not like actual movies though. We'll be reviewing the footage of us dancing to work on mistakes and improve whatever it is that needs to be worked on. I think cuts for this week just got a little more intense, looking at these videos, but there's hope, Taylor said she was very proud of everyone's performance on Friday.

We'll see what happens.

With my AirPods blasting and me hyper focused on the screen, I didn't even hear Mama shouting my name. Suddenly she took a hand off the wheel and waved it in front of my phone.

"Hello???? Planet Earth to Diamond????!!"

"Huh? What happened??" I asked thrown off. "Nothing happened. I was calling your name, but you were so busy watching whatever that is," she said.


"Damn I can't even remember what I was gonna say. What are you so invested in over there anyway?"

"I'm watching our videos from the game."

"Ohhh okay. Don't criticize yourself too hard. I know how you get when you don't think something is perfect," she kept her eyes on the road while comforting me. "The comments do a phenomenal job by themselves," I nervously laughed.

"The comments are full of shit. If it makes you feel any better, everybody on Facebook thought you were wonderful," she smiled. "Mama it's Facebook. Everybody is supposed to say I did good."

She sighed, "Well if you wanna think of it that way..."

"I'm telling you, all the kids think of it that way," I said. I wasn't kidding. Unless there is some local family drama or fights unfolding, all Facebook is, is people congratulating or wishing happy birthdays.

"Sure...well I really enjoyed the game on Friday. I can't wait for the next one already!"

"Me neither. I heard we have to travel a ways for this one too, be prepared for a drive," I warned her. "That's alright, as long as you're dancing I don't mind at all," she said.

We pulled up to the car rider line at the front entrance, that was always busy no matter how early we left to get to school. Mama still believes we can beat the drop off traffic by leaving earlier and earlier everyday, but she ends up being proven wrong every time. Today was one of those days again. When we finally got to the front, I gathered my pocket book and backpack to get out. "Have a wonderful school day and practice this evening, love you," Mama blew a kiss. I caught it and proceeded to get out when she grabbed my arm.

"Diamond, what is this??? What the hell??" she inspected the large scar on my forearm that had been ready to come out of the bandages I wore on it. After shuffling by my parents and sisters for weeks, trying to hide it, I was preparing for them to notice at some point, but not now. It's not that big of a deal, but I'm not the best liar, as you all know. "It's nothing I just fell out of a stunt a couple weeks ago, it's fine."

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